2024 Study Links Height Growth To Long Term Health Issues In Adulthood

Short Vassal
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2024 Study Links Height Growth To Long Term Health Issues In Adulthood
post #1

2024 University Of Surrey Study Links Height Growth To Adult Health | Short King | Short Kingz

New study links being taller early in puberty to atrial fibrillation later in adult life.

You can find the University Of Surrey study here

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Re: 2024 Study Links Height Growth To Long Term Health Issues In Adulthood
post #2

an interesting quandry-is a shorter, more fulfilling life as a tall man better than a longer but extremely lonely existence as a short guy?  

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Re: 2024 Study Links Height Growth To Long Term Health Issues In Adulthood
post #3


Originally posted by ahimsa42

an interesting quandry-is a shorter, more fulfilling life as a tall man better than a longer but extremely lonely existence as a short guy?  

Not every short guy is "lonely" and many men are fond of solitude. 

Short Knight
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Re: 2024 Study Links Height Growth To Long Term Health Issues In Adulthood
post #4


Originally posted by ShortNSmooth


Originally posted by ahimsa42

an interesting quandry-is a shorter, more fulfilling life as a tall man better than a longer but extremely lonely existence as a short guy?  

Not every short guy is "lonely" and many men are fond of solitude. 

not all of course but it would be interesting to do a study about the height of men who are unable to be coupled.  it's one thing to choose solitude but quite another to be forced into it due to not having any options.