6'4 Cameron Brink next to 5'2 Kevin Hart

Short Knight
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6'4 Cameron Brink next to 5'2 Kevin Hart
post #1

6'4 Model Cameron Brink next to 5'2 Comedian Kevin Hart | Short King | Short Kingz

Kevin Hart has to be extremely grateful that he rose to fame before Social Media became ubiquitous. This photo is from a sub-reddit and as expected, the comments are vicious. Still, Kevin is a rock star and a great sport. I'd be too if I had millions in the bank. 

The sub-reddit can be found here

Short Vassal
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Re: 6'4 Cameron Brink next to 5'2 Kevin Hart
post #2

This is just an opinion. It's an extreme height difference, but short men, tall women couples look aesthetically best when both parties are in shape. I notice that (and this may be reaching), that a lot of women are very insecure about their size and being much smaller than the man allows them to blow up in weight without feeling some kind of way.