Anyone here dating or dated a taller woman?

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Anyone here dating or dated a taller woman?
post #1

Any of you here date a taller woman? How did you all meet? How did you end up together? What was the cause of breaking up?

I am open to dating taller women but can never quite get signals as to whether or not I should ask them out.

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Re: Anyone here dating or dated a taller woman?
post #2

Dated plenty of tallets. I'm 5'7. Dated women up to 5'11. Most of the time, they asked me out. My fashion sense always played a role. I was always considered "short" and "fly". Break ups were always for "normal reasons" like personality incompatibilities or different ambitions/life goals.

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Re: Anyone here dating or dated a taller woman?
post #3

Yea, i would say that half, if not more of my bed-partners have been taller than me by up to 11 cm, (4.3 inch). My current GF is 3 cm taller than me ( 1.2 inch)