Do any of you prefer taller women? (Meaning taller than you)
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 01-Jan-2020
100% of voters (1 Votes)
0% of voters (0 Votes)
1 Total votes

Anyone here prefer taller women or women taller than themselves?

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Anyone here prefer taller women or women taller than themselves?
post #1

Anyone here prefer dating women taller than themselves? I don't mean taller with heels on, but taller in general? Anyone successfully date women who are taller? I'm new here by the way. I registered to ask this question. 

Short Vassal
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Re: Anyone here prefer taller women or women taller than themselves?
post #2

Wouldn't say "prefer" but I have dated women 2-3 inches taller and it was nice. When you like someone you like someone. Height isn't that big of a deal.