Anyone know anything about anxiety?

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Anyone know anything about anxiety?
post #1

A friend of mine recently started having anxiety. He said that he always feels on edge and like he can't breath, then he ends up having panic attacks. I never knew anyone who had them so I am not sure how to help. He did see a doctor but wants to avoid taking pills. He lost his sister because of anti-depressents. 

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Re: Anyone know anything about anxiety?
post #2

Yikes sorry to hear that. I know someone who has them and she says that eating right and caring for her body helps. She feels like she has bad days but they don't last so long as she keeps pushing forward. 


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Re: Anyone know anything about anxiety?
post #3

My sister and mother both have this problem. It helps to have someone close to talk to and be with who will distract you. My sister's husband helps her by keeping her mind busy. He will tell her to do something when she starts to get panic symptoms. 

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Re: Anyone know anything about anxiety?
post #4

Seek a therapist ASAP. It makes no sense for us to give medical advice. I do have a friend who is on medication because of it though. 

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Re: Anyone know anything about anxiety?
post #5

Thanks for all your advice guys. I appreciate it.

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Re: Anyone know anything about anxiety?
post #6

I have suffered from general anxiety and panic attacks for the better part of the last 18 years (I'm 38). Personally, I've had some good luck with a mental health counselor. NOT a psychologist and definitely NOT a psychiatrist, a MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR. Big difference in how they approach mental health. 

Anti-anxiety meds can help (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan), but they're really just a band-aid that can cause you to become dependent on them to function. They're better for short-term relief, IMO.

On a day-to-day basis...things like regular exercise, along with breathing exercises and some light meditation/positive thinking usually gets me through the day. 

But the most helpful thing for me, by far, was talking to a mental health counselor, and learning how to identify my own toxic thinking patterns.