Member Profiles: sean1620
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- sean1620
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Recent Posts From sean1620
The comparison isn't about what can and or can't be changed, it's about where we fall on the desirability scale.
The bottom line: The least desirable physical trait on a woman is being overweight, while for a man it's being short. So, fat women are desired by the least amount of men, and short men are desired by the least amount women. Simple as that. The fact that they can change it does not negate the validity of the fat women = short men argument.
You can certainly make a case for the plight of the short man being worse than that of the overweight woman, but you can't argue that we both occupy the same spot on the desirability scale.
I also have multiple reasons for not wanting children, but yes, one of those reasons is not wanting to bring another short guy into this tall person's world. However, I'd never list that as the primary reason. I simply don't want that lifestyle. Raising a human is not at all appealing to me. But now I have to wonder...what if I was indeed the type to want to raise a child...would I still decline to do so based solely on my height? Sadly, I think the answer is still yes. I happen to have a great relationship with my mom, but I get most of my physical traits from her, including this ridiculously tiny 5'3'' body. And you better believe I feel resentful sometimes. I know that's silly, and I don't truly hold it against her, but in my not-so-strong moments, I have certainly cursed her name for giving me these tiny *bleep* genetics.
Hm, I just thought of something else. I've never even considered this, somehow. Genetics are a funny thing, and even with two short parents, it is possible for the kid to end up tall (recessive genes). So, what if I had a TALL son? Or daughter too I guess. I feel like there would be a good chance I'd resent them for being what I am not. And perhaps they'd have very little respect for such a tiny father, especially one with obvious insecurities.
It is sad that you have to think of a child who may be taller looking down on you. I feel like the way the world views outward beauty shows how small minded people really are.
I feel like you didn't really read, or at least fully comprehend, what I said. I said nothing about outward beauty, and you just lumped me in with "small minded people" and labeled my opinions as "sad". Very judgmental and presumptuous of you.
DEFINITELY give up on Tinder, and all other dating apps and websites. Online dating is the absolute shits, and will just make you miserable. You're reduced to nothing but a headshot and some stats...and if those stats don't start with a 6', you're out of luck. My adult dating history is 4 people...2 girls from online (POF and MySpace), and 2 girls from the real world (work). The two girls from work were a thousand times better relationships then the two from online.
I also have multiple reasons for not wanting children, but yes, one of those reasons is not wanting to bring another short guy into this tall person's world. However, I'd never list that as the primary reason. I simply don't want that lifestyle. Raising a human is not at all appealing to me. But now I have to wonder...what if I was indeed the type to want to raise a child...would I still decline to do so based solely on my height? Sadly, I think the answer is still yes. I happen to have a great relationship with my mom, but I get most of my physical traits from her, including this ridiculously tiny 5'3'' body. And you better believe I feel resentful sometimes. I know that's silly, and I don't truly hold it against her, but in my not-so-strong moments, I have certainly cursed her name for giving me these tiny *bleep* genetics.
Hm, I just thought of something else. I've never even considered this, somehow. Genetics are a funny thing, and even with two short parents, it is possible for the kid to end up tall (recessive genes). So, what if I had a TALL son? Or daughter too I guess. I feel like there would be a good chance I'd resent them for being what I am not. And perhaps they'd have very little respect for such a tiny father, especially one with obvious insecurities.