Isn't absurd when people compare overweight women with short men?

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Isn't absurd when people compare overweight women with short men?
post #1





I often see people comparing short men with overweight women. Even short men compare their struggles with overweight women's struggles... but I find such comparison very absurd... I mean, nobody chooses his/her height... being disliked because of your height is as absurd as being disliked as a result of your nose shape... however, when it comes to weight, we are talking about something that most people can change by exercising and eating right... Additionally, taking care of your weight is very important! being anorexic or overweight is not good for a person's health.  Your thoughts?





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Re: Isn't absurd when people compare overweight women with short men?
post #2


Originally posted by annynickname





I often see people comparing short men with overweight women. Even short men compare their struggles with overweight women's struggles... but I find such comparison very absurd... I mean, nobody chooses his/her height... being disliked because of your height is as absurd as being disliked as a result of your nose shape... however, when it comes to weight, we are talking about something that most people can change by exercising and eating right... Additionally, taking care of your weight is very important! being anorexic or overweight is not good for a person's health.  Your thoughts?

Welcome to the forum. Yes, what you say is true. It's an argument that is bought up repeatedly by a lot of us when told that our lack of height is comparable to a woman who is overweight. The fact of the matter is that yes, your current weight is heavily determined by your day to day decisions. 

This YouTuber did a short video on the subject where he exposes the hypocrisy by some women when they mentioned that asking a woman about her weight was off-limits.

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Re: Isn't absurd when people compare overweight women with short men?
post #3

The comparison isn't about what can and or can't be changed, it's about where we fall on the desirability scale.

The bottom line: The least desirable physical trait on a woman is being overweight, while for a man it's being short. So, fat women are desired by the least amount of men, and short men are desired by the least amount women. Simple as that. The fact that they can change it does not negate the validity of the fat women = short men argument. 

You can certainly make a case for the plight of the short man being worse than that of the overweight woman, but you can't argue that we both occupy the same spot on the desirability scale.

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Re: Isn't absurd when people compare overweight women with short men?
post #4

I've never been, or even heard about that comparison. I've actually made the oposite argument myself, that it is NOT like being fat, cause we cannot change our height, but a fat girl carries the fault as being fat, and if its not her fault, she can do something about it!


If you look at it logically. being overweight symbolizes, greed, lazyness, unhealthyness if thats a word, bad confidence, depression & anxiety, disease, Slutty and bad hygiene.


being short symbolizes, less status, less money, worse education, aggression, losing-competitively, weak, less security, smaller penis and loads more.

But the point is, both have in common that it is NOT what someone is looking for when getting into a relationship or in bed for that matter.
And yes i too think that women are way to shallow. Women often tends to "overscore". But the fun part is that once they get into the 30's they start looking for something different in a man, cause whatever they had before, wasnt working out for them.


Im in my mid 20's and i've had countless encounters with 30+ females who are looking for a serious relationship. Thats when i take advantage, i bang the *bleep* out of them and im being the best person that i can be, and once they have fallen for me, i reject them for not being a good human being in their youth and being the reason why good men dont get any love, i kill their emotions, i've even had one saying that she will commit suicide. 
I was so happy!!!! The rest of the week was one of the best in my life.

Am i mean? no doubt, but i only pick the worst of the kind.



Is it fair comparing fat people with short men? No it is not!

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Re: Isn't absurd when people compare overweight women with short men?
post #5

Gentlemen:  watch this video  This says it all.