Member Profiles: annynickname
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- annynickname
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Recent Posts From annynickname
After looking at heightism on Wikipedia, it is shown that there are some places that regulate height discrimination; however, are there any other places for which the shorter man can migrate to? Is there any place in the world where height is not looked at in terms of careers and women? I'm curious, what are your thoughts on some parts of Europe? or Japan?
I'd say romance communities - Hispanic, French, Italian. For some reason Masculinity isn't tied to physical attributes (though it helps), but more to your word, your conviction and connections. Italy has a history of short presidents and in many Hispanic communities, it's common to see 5'4+ guys w/girlfriends and wives, some even being players.
Hi. I'm South American (from Colombia) . I respect your point of view but I don't fully agree with you... Certainly in latin American nations you can see many short men with girlfriends or wives... but this is because the average height for latin American men is about 5'8''! however, trust me, latin American women fancy tall men... Latin American women are also known for saying "I like tall men" . If you watch latin American soap operas you will see how the main male protagonist is usually a tall guy! In my own family I have seen how they place a high emphasis on a man's height... This is pretty disappointing! Now, the "good news" is that in latin America you're likely to be considered "Tall" if you're 5'10'.... I know that in the U.S. you wouldn't be considered "Tall" if 5'10'' was your height.
Hi Ahimsa42. I wonder why would a woman's salary be a affected as a result of her excess of corporal weight? I mean, I know that a man's salary is affected if he lacks height given that leadership positions are usually given to taller men since taller men are thought to have better leadership skills than short men. I have even heard that when it comes to electing a president, most people tend to vote for the taller candidate! Now, the quote you shared about the 60 year old lady who wouldn't never date a "short" man is really "interesting"... indeed I have seen on dating sites how women of all ages have a strong preference for tall men. I would expect "older" women to be more mature... but they also care about height! i would love to find a woman who cares about more meaningful things such as building a relationship based on love, respect, etc.... i wouldn't care if she's 20 years older than me..
Hi guys. I have seen everywhere how women have a strong preference for tall men.. I have seen this in my family, on the internet, on the movies, etc... Now, "unfortunately" (from women's viewpoint) there aren't enough tall men in this world.. as a result many women will end up marrying a "short" man. and I quote the word "short" because I don't understand how can a woman call "short" a man who is 2 or 3 inches taller than her.. I mean a woman who is 5'4'' tall is likely to call short a man who is 5'7''... but how can she call him 'short" if he is 3 inches taller than her? either way... my question is... how can a short man ever feel confident about his wife's love towards him? how can he be sure that she didn't "settle down" with him because she was unable to find a tall man?
I often see people comparing short men with overweight women. Even short men compare their struggles with overweight women's struggles... but I find such comparison very absurd... I mean, nobody chooses his/her height... being disliked because of your height is as absurd as being disliked as a result of your nose shape... however, when it comes to weight, we are talking about something that most people can change by exercising and eating right... Additionally, taking care of your weight is very important! being anorexic or overweight is not good for a person's health. Your thoughts?