Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay

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Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #1

of course, as everyone knows, unlike height someone's weight is for the most part under one's control via diet and exercise.

i find one of the comments to the article also very interesting:

" Even though I am over 60 and therefore short of options, I will not date a man under 5'10". And this must be the reason. Taken as a group, I just don't gell with them. They sort of overcompensate in other not very nice ways. I couldn't put my finger on it -- but maybe now I get it. Also, other parts of them tend to be smaller. Sorry but true, and size does matter. Agreed genetics and racial characteristics (i.e. Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian) play a role, but I often wonder if the diet and nutrition of the parents plays a part. That would also affect intelligence and other attributes."

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #2

Weight is within someone's control but not height. Weight is more likely to display a person's inner habits, whereas height has no connection.

Actually a funny thing is, shorter guys are often more intelligent and successful than their taller counterparts. Think of some of the most successful cultures of people in the world such as Asians, Indians, Italians, and Jews. They are among the shortest...more intellectually-inclined, and the most successful. Also, think David and Goliath.

Also, while taller people might like to try to use their height as an advantage through physical "dominance", first of all, taller height does not automatically imply physically stronger, more fit, or healthier. Actually, being shorter may lead to longer lifespan, slower required metabolism, and lower food budget. Not to mention that compared to all other medium to large mammals, and all other animals on a weight/size basis, humans are at the bottom in terms of muscle strength, speed, and direct physical danger. What makes humans special is our brains. So does height or size matter at all when compared to intellect and ability? No, not one bit.

Last Edited By bbtopp (2016-03-21 23:32:22)

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #3


Originally posted by bbtopp

Weight is within someone's control but not height. Weight is more likely to display a person's inner habits, whereas height has no connection.

Actually a funny thing is, shorter guys are often more intelligent and successful than their taller counterparts. Think of some of the most successful cultures of people in the world such as Asians, Indians, Italians, and Jews. They are among the shortest...more intellectually-inclined, and the most successful. Also, think David and Goliath.

Also, while taller people might like to try to use their height as an advantage through physical "dominance", first of all, taller height does not automatically imply physically stronger, more fit, or healthier. Actually, being shorter may lead to longer lifespan, slower required metabolism, and lower food budget. Not to mention that compared to all other medium to large mammals, and all other animals on a weight/size basis, humans are at the bottom in terms of muscle strength, speed, and direct physical danger. What makes humans special is our brains. So does height or size matter at all when compared to intellect and ability? No, not one bit.

I share your viewpoint, but what you're saying doesn't put any wedges in wood with what all of the studies that suggest taller people are smarter. How could you counter what a lot of articles like this one says:

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #4

That article says the study they conducted was inconclusive. It also said there are counter-examples, and that studies also show shorter men live longer on average.

Last Edited By bbtopp (2016-03-22 17:21:44)

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #5

@bbtop it doesn't stop the media from running with the idea that taller people are more intelligent. Why do you think that is?

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #6


Originally posted by bbtopp

That article says the study they conducted was inconclusive. It also said there are counter-examples, and that studies also show shorter men live longer on average.

Society will run with whatever fits their narrative. 

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #7


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy


Originally posted by bbtopp

That article says the study they conducted was inconclusive. It also said there are counter-examples, and that studies also show shorter men live longer on average.

Society will run with whatever fits their narrative. 

agreed-we have seen this time and time again throughout human history. taller people considered more valuable than shorter people, white people considered more important than black people, men considered more important than women, the suffering and death of human animals considered more important than the suffering and death of non-human animals.  like heightism, racism, sexism and speciesism are biases and prejudices which attribute greater value to certain classes in order to exploit and oppress others.  the very sad and disturbing part is than most people condemn some forms of discrimination while willingly and happily supporting others.  i am reminded of a quote by Paul Farmer:

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.”

Last Edited By ahimsa42 (2016-03-24 05:49:56)

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #8


Originally posted by ahimsa42


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy


Originally posted by bbtopp

That article says the study they conducted was inconclusive. It also said there are counter-examples, and that studies also show shorter men live longer on average.

Society will run with whatever fits their narrative. 

agreed-we have seen this time and time again throughout human history. taller people considered more valuable than shorter people, white people considered more important than black people, men considered more important than women, the suffering and death of human animals considered more important than the suffering and death of non-human animals.  like heightism, racism, sexism and speciesism are biases and prejudices which attribute greater value to certain classes in order to exploit and oppress others.  the very sad and disturbing part is than most people condemn some forms of discrimination while willingly and happily supporting others.  i am reminded of a quote by Paul Farmer:

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.”

I firmly believe that heightism will never change. It will always be there. Heightism affects men more than it does women, so no one will give a flying frack. The masses are okay with short men being disparaged and so any dung flown toward us will elicit an applause from the most of society. 

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #9

How can you so firmly believe that heightism will never change? You still are on this site, right? We all know on here that height doesn't mean anything, so if we are able to push demand toward society to turn things around in the media, that can be a help. Also btw I have friends so tall I make fun of for being tall...they bust on my height and I joke back, it's what friends do. But to have a reinforced belief so deeply ingrained into some people's minds beyond the point of basic joking back and forth, when it changes one's life into something less meaningful than another's, is when there is a problem.

Like I mentioned in an earlier reply to this post, some of the world's most successful cultures, not to mention most people in this world, are below average American height. (Half the population in the US is, by definition, below average. The rest of the world is generally shorter, as well). This, to me, sounds like we have the numbers in our favor if we are able to do something about it.

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #10


Originally posted by bbtopp How can you so firmly believe that heightism will never change? You still are on this site, right? We all know on here that height doesn't mean anything, so if we are able to push demand toward society to turn things around in the media, that can be a help. Also btw I have friends so tall I make fun of for being tall...they bust on my height and I joke back, it's what friends do. But to have a reinforced belief so deeply ingrained into some people's minds beyond the point of basic joking back and forth, when it changes one's life into something less meaningful than another's, is when there is a problem. Like I mentioned in an earlier reply to this post, some of the world's most successful cultures, not to mention most people in this world, are below average American height. (Half the population in the US is, by definition, below average. The rest of the world is generally shorter, as well). This, to me, sounds like we have the numbers in our favor if we are able to do something about it.

The problem is, I know this, you know this, but does the world care? Not necessarily.