Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #11


Originally posted by TheGreatest


Originally posted by bbtopp How can you so firmly believe that heightism will never change? You still are on this site, right? We all know on here that height doesn't mean anything, so if we are able to push demand toward society to turn things around in the media, that can be a help. Also btw I have friends so tall I make fun of for being tall...they bust on my height and I joke back, it's what friends do. But to have a reinforced belief so deeply ingrained into some people's minds beyond the point of basic joking back and forth, when it changes one's life into something less meaningful than another's, is when there is a problem. Like I mentioned in an earlier reply to this post, some of the world's most successful cultures, not to mention most people in this world, are below average American height. (Half the population in the US is, by definition, below average. The rest of the world is generally shorter, as well). This, to me, sounds like we have the numbers in our favor if we are able to do something about it.

The problem is, I know this, you know this, but does the world care? Not necessarily. 

I hear what you're saying, but we have to stop looking at the problem side and look more at the solution side. Who cares if the "world" cares or not? It's not the whole world that you ever have to deal with, it's your own personal world. Most of my friends have always generally been on the shorter side, and we don't see being short as a problem with each other. While we fight to fix the problems of the world, let's continue to make our own worlds a little closer to the values we share. If you run into a problem, don't let your height be an issue. Lean on your short buddies when you need them, and they will lean on you if they get some trouble.

No doubt, if you have friends who happen to be tall, no problem. Just know the type when you see them...tall guys who think that height is everything because it's all they have to go on--it's their only crutch. Run away from them because they will never give you respect, since that would be an insult to their worldview. Do not get involved with this type, because they will only try to bring you down.

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #12


Originally posted by bbtopp


I hear what you're saying, but we have to stop looking at the problem side and look more at the solution side. Who cares if the "world" cares or not? It's not the whole world that you ever have to deal with, it's your own personal world. Most of my friends have always generally been on the shorter side, and we don't see being short as a problem with each other. While we fight to fix the problems of the world, let's continue to make our own worlds a little closer to the values we share. If you run into a problem, don't let your height be an issue. Lean on your short buddies when you need them, and they will lean on you if they get some trouble.

No doubt, if you have friends who happen to be tall, no problem. Just know the type when you see them...tall guys who think that height is everything because it's all they have to go on--it's their only crutch. Run away from them because they will never give you respect, since that would be an insult to their worldview. Do not get involved with this type, because they will only try to bring you down.

Upvoted your post. I don't think any of us here see short as being a problem. I can't speak for everyone here, but I think what minilinebacker is getting at is that heightism is as old as time and in the west, most people see shortness in males as a negative thing and views shorter men as being inferior. I agree we have to challenge that whenever we can, but it's tedious battle.

If you were going to combat heightism, what route would you take or what do you think society and short men should do?

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #13


Originally posted by TheGreatest


Originally posted by bbtopp


I hear what you're saying, but we have to stop looking at the problem side and look more at the solution side. Who cares if the "world" cares or not? It's not the whole world that you ever have to deal with, it's your own personal world. Most of my friends have always generally been on the shorter side, and we don't see being short as a problem with each other. While we fight to fix the problems of the world, let's continue to make our own worlds a little closer to the values we share. If you run into a problem, don't let your height be an issue. Lean on your short buddies when you need them, and they will lean on you if they get some trouble.

No doubt, if you have friends who happen to be tall, no problem. Just know the type when you see them...tall guys who think that height is everything because it's all they have to go on--it's their only crutch. Run away from them because they will never give you respect, since that would be an insult to their worldview. Do not get involved with this type, because they will only try to bring you down.

Upvoted your post. I don't think any of us here see short as being a problem. I can't speak for everyone here, but I think what minilinebacker is getting at is that heightism is as old as time and in the west, most people see shortness in males as a negative thing and views shorter men as being inferior. I agree we have to challenge that whenever we can, but it's tedious battle.

If you were going to combat heightism, what route would you take or what do you think society and short men should do?

Thanks for the upvote... Great question, how would we tackle this... Well first off, we are right now by talking to each other in a sort of "support group" if you will. We have some numbers behind us to support us, and when a lot of people get together to accomplish things, amazing stuff can happen. Why is there this stigma in the media that gives a touch of glamour to height? Because it hasn't failed them... they are profiting with their movies and shows, tall actors and models, and getting a lack of financial loss for short joke stuff (and btw, I do also see jokes now about tall people, also about black people, Canadian people, ugly people, etc.).

Money rules everything, bottom line. (and for good reason... though you can dispute money's role and prominence in society, by and large, money represents value created within the scheme of supply and demand--anybody can flip a burger and many people are willing to do it, but not many people know how to engineer complex machinery, or are willing to go through all the education and training to be able to do so. On the other hand, anybody can be a garbage man, but not many people are willing to do so, and therefore the salary for a garbage man is actually a bit higher than it otherwise would be based on simple skill set). Let's say all of us on this forum got together, for example, in a room, and worked together to create a movement. We get a production company to start putting short guys in movies as the de facto hero, main character, smooth and popular guy. The production company does a fabulous marketing job, and we start supporting the shows and movies made by this production company. We buy the clothes from brands that use short models instead of tall. We vote with our dollars to prefer short instead of tall. We create the demand for short, and short becomes more profitable.

There are plenty of short people in the world... once we start supporting ourselves en mass and truly preferring short over tall, things will catch on.

Also, I doubt that taller has always been seen as "superior" by everyone. I mean, if that's the case, how come there are so many short people today, if ya know what I mean... wink

Last Edited By bbtopp (2016-03-24 19:52:31)

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #14

"If you were going to combat heightism, what route would you take or what do you think society and short men should do?"

heightism is a form of prejudice just as are racism, sexism and speciesism.  it is only by treating others as we oursleves wish to be treated that these forms of hatred can be combated.  the problem lies in seeing the perceived differences in others as an excuse to discriminate against them.  this is especially true in the case of speciesism against non-human animals whom the vast majority of humans exploit and murder upon a daily basis.  as bad as it is to be a short male in this society, at least no one is torturing and murdering me in order to consume my flesh. 

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Re: Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay
post #15


Hi Ahimsa42.  I wonder why would a woman's salary be a affected as a result of her excess of corporal weight? I mean, I know that a man's salary is affected if he lacks height given that leadership positions are usually given to taller men since taller men are thought to have better leadership skills than short men. I have even heard that when it comes to electing a president, most people tend to vote for the taller candidate!   Now, the quote you shared about the 60 year old lady who wouldn't never date a "short" man is really "interesting"... indeed I have seen on dating sites how women of all ages have a strong preference for tall men. I would expect "older" women to be more mature... but they also care about height! i would love to find a woman who cares about more meaningful things such as building a relationship based on love, respect, etc.... i wouldn't care if she's 20 years older than me..