Do you want kids?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 31-May-2016
54% of voters (6 Votes)
45% of voters (5 Votes)
11 Total votes

No to kids because of height?

Jelly Kelly
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No to kids because of height?
post #1

My boyfriend and I have been talking on deeper levels lately and he basically flat-lined me with this one....

He said he does not want to have kids because he does not want to risk having a son who will grow up short and struggle with the same issues he has. I didn't even know what to say. I went into the other room and cried because I want kids. 

Has anyone ever said they didn't want to have kids do to height? I am curious here.


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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #2

my choice not to procrate really has nothing to do with height but more with ecology and ethical reasons. along with the issues of resources and environmental devastation,  personally i also would not want to bring another being into such a violent and cruel society.

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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #3

I also have multiple reasons for not wanting children, but yes, one of those reasons is not wanting to bring another short guy into this tall person's world. However, I'd never list that as the primary reason. I simply don't want that lifestyle. Raising a human is not at all appealing to me. But now I have to wonder...what if I was indeed the type to want to raise a child...would I still decline to do so based solely on my height? Sadly, I think the answer is still yes. I happen to have a great relationship with my mom, but I get most of my physical traits from her, including this ridiculously tiny 5'3'' body. And you better believe I feel resentful sometimes. I know that's silly, and I don't truly hold it against her, but in my not-so-strong moments, I have certainly cursed her name for giving me these tiny *bleep* genetics. 

Hm, I just thought of something else. I've never even considered this, somehow. Genetics are a funny thing, and even with two short parents, it is possible for the kid to end up tall (recessive genes). So, what if I had a TALL son? Or daughter too I guess. I feel like there would be a good chance I'd resent them for being what I am not. And perhaps they'd have very little respect for such a tiny father, especially one with obvious insecurities. 

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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #4

I don't want kids because of the way the world is these days. I can't bare to have a child grow up in this mess. My height is a non-issue for this decision. 

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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #5

I didn't vote because I am not sure. If I have kids, I will be the damn best father I can be but if I didn't, for whatever reason, I will not be hurt by it. I may adopt. Part of it has to do with height I guess you can say. I am worried about seeing my child get picked on. 

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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #6

I want kids but not for awhile. I wont have kids until I am certain about the woman I am with because they make relationships a lot harder. 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #7


Originally posted by ahimsa42

my choice not to procrate really has nothing to do with height but more with ecology and ethical reasons. along with the issues of resources and environmental devastation,  personally i also would not want to bring another being into such a violent and cruel society.

There are plenty of resources. Greedy people are just making you and others believe otherwise. 

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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #8


Originally posted by sean1620

I also have multiple reasons for not wanting children, but yes, one of those reasons is not wanting to bring another short guy into this tall person's world. However, I'd never list that as the primary reason. I simply don't want that lifestyle. Raising a human is not at all appealing to me. But now I have to wonder...what if I was indeed the type to want to raise a child...would I still decline to do so based solely on my height? Sadly, I think the answer is still yes. I happen to have a great relationship with my mom, but I get most of my physical traits from her, including this ridiculously tiny 5'3'' body. And you better believe I feel resentful sometimes. I know that's silly, and I don't truly hold it against her, but in my not-so-strong moments, I have certainly cursed her name for giving me these tiny *bleep* genetics. 

Hm, I just thought of something else. I've never even considered this, somehow. Genetics are a funny thing, and even with two short parents, it is possible for the kid to end up tall (recessive genes). So, what if I had a TALL son? Or daughter too I guess. I feel like there would be a good chance I'd resent them for being what I am not. And perhaps they'd have very little respect for such a tiny father, especially one with obvious insecurities. 

It is sad that you have to think of a child who may be taller looking down on you. I feel like the way the world views outward beauty shows how small minded people really are.

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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #9


Originally posted by Spider

I didn't vote because I am not sure. If I have kids, I will be the damn best father I can be but if I didn't, for whatever reason, I will not be hurt by it. I may adopt. Part of it has to do with height I guess you can say. I am worried about seeing my child get picked on. 

Short or not, kids these days can be so mean and hurtful. I was friends with a girl who was 5'7. She was taller than some of the boys in my class and she got picked on for being tall as well as wearing glasses. 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: No to kids because of height?
post #10


Originally posted by jackman

I want kids but not for awhile. I wont have kids until I am certain about the woman I am with because they make relationships a lot harder. 

Very smart decision. I am glad to see someone wants kids still. I feel so bad when a man doesn't want kids over his height but I understand.