Short Guy's New Year Resolutions!

Short Knight
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Short Guy's New Year Resolutions!
post #1

So it is a new year, Happy New Year by the way! How do you plan to make the most of this year in regards to your height struggles? Do you want to bulk up? Slim down? Get that promotion? 

Short Knight
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Re: Short Guy's New Year Resolutions!
post #2

I want to go on a successful date. One that I KNOW went well and ended well. I think I will give up on tinder and actually put myself out there.


Short Page
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Re: Short Guy's New Year Resolutions!
post #3

DEFINITELY give up on Tinder, and all other dating apps and websites. Online dating is the absolute shits, and will just make you miserable. You're reduced to nothing but a headshot and some stats...and if those stats don't start with a 6', you're out of luck. My adult dating history is 4 people...2 girls from online (POF and MySpace), and 2 girls from the real world (work). The two girls from work were a thousand times better relationships then the two from online.

Short Baron
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Re: Short Guy's New Year Resolutions!
post #4


Originally posted by sean1620

DEFINITELY give up on Tinder, and all other dating apps and websites. Online dating is the absolute shits, and will just make you miserable. You're reduced to nothing but a headshot and some stats...and if those stats don't start with a 6', you're out of luck. My adult dating history is 4 people...2 girls from online (POF and MySpace), and 2 girls from the real world (work). The two girls from work were a thousand times better relationships then the two from online.

I'm a few inches taller so cannot say that my experiences will mirror yours. I bump my height up by an inch and all of a sudden I'm on a lot more women's radars, where if I was 5'3, it would be a very different story. But the fact that you've gotten dates off of POF and MySpace should tell you that it's a numbers game and that you have to cast your net wide. 

Short Knight
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Re: Short Guy's New Year Resolutions!
post #5

Online dating sucks so I gave up with it. I am with you on that Sean. I am not even as short as you and struggle. I can't imagine it out there for you dude. Women these days are brutal and shallow yet they continue to say we are the shallow ones. Pffff

Short Knight
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Re: Short Guy's New Year Resolutions!
post #6

Not to take this off topic but why the hell would you even bother with a place like tinder? It is about as shallow as what facebook used to be... Which is basically a place to go on to and say whether or not you would tap someone or not.