Attractiveness By Race. Is Perceived Height A Factor?

Short Vassal
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Attractiveness By Race. Is Perceived Height A Factor?
post #1

Attractiveness By Race | Ok Cupid | Data | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Data from a study conducted by Ok Cupid in  2014, revisited from 2009.

You can see that white women are rated highest by all men (slight negative expression from Black Men). 

Black women take the back seat from all men (the least negative expression is from Black Men, though it's still in the negative).

From all women, white men are preferred by far with the exception of black women. Black women give a slight nod to Asian men.

White women prefer their own with Latinos getting some grace. I would bet that is because there are many white passing Latinos.

Some conjecture online from Asian men is that they believe that their perceived lack of height (older stereotype) might be the culprit, but it wouldn't explain why Black men are rated lower when they don't hold that same stereotype. Here is an example of this conjecture on a reddit post.

I would be great to see a 2024 update, especially with all of the political shake-ups which have taken place since then which might have an effect on opinions and perceptions. 

You can find an overview of the data in this OkCupid article here

Short Squire
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Re: Attractiveness By Race. Is Perceived Height A Factor?
post #2

Bruh. This was brutal. 🤦

Short Vassal
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Re: Attractiveness By Race. Is Perceived Height A Factor?
post #3

Wait, I don't understand this. Does this mean that Asian women didn't match with Asian men so much that there is "insufficient data"?