Bad Experiences

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Bad Experiences
post #1

Hi guys,    

I have had some bad experiences with women over height which I would like to get off my chest.

I had been chatting with this former police officer for several months online on and off. I thought about asking her to look at my height which is about 5'7 since she is 5'10. Since she said she was an intelligent woman I did not ask her to do so since any intelligent person would have done it. When we finally agreed to meet at the local airport I was walking towards the restaurant when she suddenly texted me and asked what my height was. I thought this was odd since iy never came up before.When I told her my height she said she would go back inside. When I went in I said hi and asked if she would like to get a coffee and she said no. I left and texted her that if my height was so imporatant why did you not read my profile. She said that I was too short and she had larger body than me.

No wonder people do not like cops. Can't they read? She just wrote me off.

There are some other stories but I thought I would start with this one.




Dark Willow
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Re: Bad Experiences
post #2

Damn. Well being 5'10 she is taller but if her body is bigger, she may feel like she is too manly for you. A lot of women wont date a man who weighs less than them just because they would feel too, well, BIG. She should have read your profile first and handled this better.

Short Vassal
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Re: Bad Experiences
post #3

This is the most disappointing story and shows how bigoted she is. It's one thing if she blew you off beforehand, but to do it after speaking and right before meeting???? WTH?!!

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Re: Bad Experiences
post #4

The way she did it is messed up. If something like this is important it is best to get it out the way ASAP. I don't care of she was tall or not, bigger/fatter or weighed more, the princible stands. 

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Re: Bad Experiences
post #5

Wow this shows a lot about her as a person. She should have never led you on. I don't get how people think this is perfectly fine to do to another person. If something like height or weight is a deal breaker, ask up front don't dick around about it.

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Re: Bad Experiences
post #6

Cops are pigs. I would never date one or be friends with one. They all have HUGE egos and I can't stomach it.



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Re: Bad Experiences
post #7

I am sure this is not the case with all female cops/former cops but damn that musta sucked. I am sorry bro. Keep your head up.