Do you think I'll get taller?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Duration: 31-Dec-9999
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Chances of me getting taller?

Height: 0'0
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Height Growth
Chances of me getting taller?
post #1

Just posted this on /fit/, but got no responses, so I'm copy-pasting it here:

>Mom 5'6
>Dad 5'7
>Be male
>Hit puberty shortly after 11th birthday
>Mosty inherit mom's looks but 5'7 at 18th birthday last fall
>Go from eyelevel to an eyelid taller than dad (like .25 inches) over the course of April but not gotten taller since
>Now really hungry
>Sleep 8-10 hours now (used to be 5-7)
>Gained at least 6 pounds over the past 2 months
>Armspan went from 5'7.5 at most to at least 5'7.75 since early April
How likely is it that I'm getting a second growth spurt? I just want to be 5'9

P.S.: Actually, my arm span was like 5'7.3, so it grew a little more than my height


Short Baron
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Re: Chances of me getting taller?
post #2

This is a site where we celebrate being short, not wishing we were taller. Get comfortable with your height. At 5'7, you won't face the level of bias men just a few inches shorter face.

Short Vassal
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Re: Chances of me getting taller?
post #3

Hey throwaway181999,

Sadly most probably you wont get taller but there is a possibility you work on your spine to get about an inch (if you aren't already fit). I'm also short and I know how it feels. I used to wear shoes with hidden insoles to increase my height but now as I got older I prefer to use snickers. I know as I get older I'm going to get shorter as my joints get worn and my spinal column changes but I try to have an eye on my diet to postpone the inevitable.

You are still young, keep doing workout. I recommend chip-up and hanging the most. You may still get benefits.




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Re: Chances of me getting taller?
post #4

Doubtful, but more on the side of no way José. 

Short Squire
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Re: Chances of me getting taller?
post #5

I do know of a few people who got unexpected growth spurts at 19, but the majority of people I knew stopped growing before 18. Don't get your hopes up pal. Start concentrating on other things because if you keep waiting for it and it never comes, you'll be really disappointed.