China's "Leftover Women" say no to men under 6 ft

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China's "Leftover Women" say no to men under 6 ft
post #1

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Re: China's "Leftover Women" say no to men under 6 ft
post #2

Are we supposed to feel sorry? 
They are the one to blame, just look how they suffer from their own lack of perfection.

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Re: China's "Leftover Women" say no to men under 6 ft
post #3

In all honesty, we are talking about a society that actually kills its girls or sends them off to orphanages. Sons are only valued. Unfortunately, that leaves a country full of men, and very few women. It allows Chinese women to be insanely picky. It's hard for me to shame them because they are very aware of what's going on in their society. That women are undervalued. But they should be just as mad at their moms as their dads. But Chinese society is still patriarchal. Women feel scared to speak up.

Last Edited By greenbook (2017-05-11 13:32:30)