Confidence is only attractive when you're tall

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Confidence is only attractive when you're tall
post #1

Confidence Only Matters When You're Tall | ShortGuyCentral

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Re: Confidence is only attractive when you're tall
post #2

Despite that, i dont believe that confidence is not attractive.

No matter how you look, confidence is way more attractive than being insecure.

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Re: Confidence is only attractive when you're tall
post #3

Being attractive and confident will add perceived inches to your frame.  I'm 60 now, so this is a from a lifetime of experience.  If you have a reputation of hard work, genuine charm, genuine care for other people, going the extra mile, confidence, team spirit, etc.  -- all those qualities will make you desirable and give you a great reputation.  I've had people exclaim when they met me in person that they imagined a larger man, based on my accomplishments and reputation.  Let's be real for a moment, guys.  Yeah, at first I was a bit taken aback.  You know the drill. But, I took it as a compliment.  My close friends and colleagues don't even notice my height, other than as a fact (like hair color or skin tone).  Personality can fill in the gap we all sense. 

Here's the essence of it.  Yes, we were handed a raw deal by having to go through our entire lives in bodies that we and others around us perceive to be inadequate.  Yup, it's not fair. Yup, life is switched on 'hard' for us the whole time.  But, if you come across as a a too-confident jerk, or if people see you as angry, insecure, ticked-off, full of despair, etc. you lose twice.  Don't do it.  Yes, we all have reason to be bummed about being short because it truly is a bummer, but it's up to you to make the very best of it.  People will respect you and love you and enjoy your company if they think this thought, "He's short, but he is attractive and successful because he overcame a raw deal and succeeded anyway."  That's sexy to good people.  Forget what bad people think.  

Does this help anyone?  I pray it does.  I wish someone could have convinced ME of all this 40 years ago.

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Re: Confidence is only attractive when you're tall
post #4


Originally posted by gymshorts

Being attractive and confident will add perceived inches to your frame.

I've had people exclaim when they met me in person that they imagined a larger man, based on my accomplishments and reputation.  Let's be real for a moment, guys.  Yeah, at first I was a bit taken aback.  You know the drill. But, I took it as a compliment.

But, if you come across as a a too-confident jerk, or if people see you as angry, insecure, ticked-off, full of despair, etc. you lose twice.

People will respect you and love you and enjoy your company if they think this thought, "He's short, but he is attractive and successful because he overcame a raw deal and succeeded anyway."  That's sexy to good people.  Forget what bad people think.  

Why does my height need to tie into my attractiveness? I don't need "perceived" inches, just respect

This just proves heightism exists. People needn't "imagine" a tall person when they think of someone as being successful

I thought you told us just to be confident. Why should "too much" confidence matter?

In other words, you're telling us to "know our place"

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Re: Confidence is only attractive when you're tall
post #5


Originally posted by TinyWizard


Originally posted by gymshorts

Being attractive and confident will add perceived inches to your frame.

I've had people exclaim when they met me in person that they imagined a larger man, based on my accomplishments and reputation.  Let's be real for a moment, guys.  Yeah, at first I was a bit taken aback.  You know the drill. But, I took it as a compliment.

But, if you come across as a a too-confident jerk, or if people see you as angry, insecure, ticked-off, full of despair, etc. you lose twice.

People will respect you and love you and enjoy your company if they think this thought, "He's short, but he is attractive and successful because he overcame a raw deal and succeeded anyway."  That's sexy to good people.  Forget what bad people think.  

Why does my height need to tie into my attractiveness? I don't need "perceived" inches, just respect

This just proves heightism exists. People needn't "imagine" a tall person when they think of someone as being successful

I thought you told us just to be confident. Why should "too much" confidence matter?

In other words, you're telling us to "know our place"

Because it is a nature rule, you need to be taller to prove your privileges, to prove you are stronger and you can fight
against other males. Naturally women prefer taller and (and maybe muscular) men.
(You may look up the Internet for Male Animals Fight for Dominance!, you will understand it.)

Being short and confident wont help unless you are behind the camera. I totally agree with your statement, why on earth would
we as short men be more confident? Why too much confidence? Doesn't it mean that we are being blamed for what we had no control over it?

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Re: Confidence is only attractive when you're tall
post #6

Check out "LFA MGTOW" on Youtube.  Look at his "Confidence is a lie" video.  There are 2 videos, part 1 and 2.  I highly suggest these.  They basically talk about how confidence only matters if you pass the height check box.

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Re: Confidence is only attractive when you're tall
post #7


Originally posted by oneshortguy

Check out "LFA MGTOW" on Youtube.  Look at his "Confidence is a lie" video.  There are 2 videos, part 1 and 2.  I highly suggest these.  They basically talk about how confidence only matters if you pass the height check box.

Hey, welcome to the forum! Can you post a link or title of the specific video you're talking about?