Contest: $50 For The 'Best' Post!

Short Knight
Height: 5'7
Location: New York, United States
Joined: Jan 11, 2014
Posts: 225
Reactions: 88
Score: 58 | 45
KingCash: 126


Contest: $50 For The 'Best' Post!
post #1

Hi all. We thank you for participating in the AtEyeLevel Short Guy Community forums in its earliest stages. To help boost membership and encourage posting and dialog, we are holding a contest for the "Best Post"!


The rules and guidelines are simple. We are looking for a post or thread that:


  • Provokes conversation
  • Sparks Interest and Debate
  • Features long responses from users (i.e not just a sentence or two)
  • Brings awareness to our community


We will pool all of the posts and list the top five qualifiers (from our opinion), and then on July 31, 2014 announce a winner! 


Any questions about this contest should be included as responses to this post. 


Happy Posting!