Cute tall woman-short guy couple Ellie and Lucas on Instagram

Short Damsel
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Cute tall woman-short guy couple Ellie and Lucas on Instagram
post #1

Ellie And Lucas | Tall Woman - Short Guy | Instagram | Height And Relationships | Short King | Short Kingz Ellie And Lucas | Tall Woman - Short Guy | Instagram | Height And Relationships | Short King | Short Kingz

Ellie And Lucas | Tall Woman - Short Guy | Instagram | Height And Relationships | Short King | Short Kingz Ellie And Lucas | Tall Woman - Short Guy | Instagram | Height And Relationships | Short King | Short Kingz

They really are a cute couple and do get lots of love all over social media. 

Short Squire
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Re: Cute tall woman-short guy couple Ellie and Lucas on Instagram
post #2

What is their height difference? Do they say this on their IG?

My tallest girlfriend was 4 inches taller than me. When she wore heels, she could be up to 9 inches taller.

She approached me and we lasted for a while. We broke up for reasons not related to height.

Short Page
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Re: Cute tall woman-short guy couple Ellie and Lucas on Instagram
post #3

I've dated taller women before. I rarely pursued them though. Not because of attraction, but simply because of the negativity that could come out of said pursuit. 

If I was given choosing signals though and there was mutual attraction, all bets would be off. 

My longest relationship was with a woman three inches taller.