Dating advice?

Short Knight
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Dating advice?
post #1

I been talking to a woman online the last few weeks and it has been great. I met her on a sports forum actually. We have skyped a few times. She lives about a 3 hour drive away. We want to meet up but I am nervous. She didn't mention heights or weights. I can tell she has a great body but she looks to be about 5'6 herself. Should I bring up that I am short before we meet up or risk the embarrassment? 

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Re: Dating advice?
post #2

I am not sure how to answer this without knowing her personalty. Has she given you reason to believe she is superficial? 

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Re: Dating advice?
post #3


Originally posted by Mouse

I am not sure how to answer this without knowing her personalty. Has she given you reason to believe she is superficial? 

I have to agree with this but at the same time, you are questioning it yourself so there must be a reason why. If you think she may be turned off by your height, I would bring it up now and not waste either of your time.

Short Knight
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Re: Dating advice?
post #4

You have to talk about everything when you meet online. If height wasn't brought up yet, it shoul be brought up before you meet.