Dating in LA sucks

Short Squire
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Dating in LA sucks
post #1

I have been on 10 dates in the last 3 months and they all sucked. I find there are more women out here who are taller than me so dating is harder, not to mention all the men who are like 6' and up. It is a struggle. Any advice on meeting women in LA? I moved here 2 years ago for work and the dating game has been horrific. 

Short Knight
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Re: Dating in LA sucks
post #2

It isn't much different from New York as both places are swamped with models. Just avoid the scenes they are in and you will find someone. I wish I could give better advice but I know how much it can suck. 

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Re: Dating in LA sucks
post #3

I wouldn't say it sucks, it is harder for anyone, not just short dudes. I mean so many people are aiming to be perfect in LA so plastic surgery, botox, weight loss, muscle building, ect are all very high there. 

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Re: Dating in LA sucks
post #4

From what I gather, you want to just avoid "scene" places and stick to areas where common people go like art festivals, beaches, casual bars and so on.

Short Knight
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Re: Dating in LA sucks
post #5

Why not try to date or meet women in the less city-vibe areas? All the fake people flock to where more people are to show off. lol