Do you want children?

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Do you want children?
post #1

So here is the thing.
Im in my mid 20's and at least in Denmark where i am from. People tend to get kids around my age or when they finish their education. 
Its not very uncommon to see parents, especially single mothers below age 25.
But the general issue about heightism has brought me a very sceptic view on having todlers. 
I find the world chaotic where hypocrism has taken over, where women are more shallow than men.
As a comedian said
"Women want a guy who is; taller, stronger, smarter, older and makes more money. But what is there for a guy to like beside ass at titties?"

In short, i find it irresponsible to bring a kid into this world with all the shallowness if thats a word.
Which makes me not want to have kids.
Maybe i will change my mind in some years i dont know.

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Re: Do you want children?
post #2

I see where you're going with this but I think your mindset is unbelievably defeating. I'm not saying that society wants you to think this way, but there is something telling about anyone of us taking social cues to heart and letting it dictate our fate. Flip the bird to the idea that having kids is a bad idea because of your height. What about short women? There is no guarantee that their kids will be tall. 

Have kids if you want kids. Don't have them if you don't want them, but screw what people think. 

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Re: Do you want children?
post #3


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy

I see where you're going with this but I think your mindset is unbelievably defeating. I'm not saying that society wants you to think this way, but there is something telling about anyone of us taking social cues to heart and letting it dictate our fate. Flip the bird to the idea that having kids is a bad idea because of your height. What about short women? There is no guarantee that their kids will be tall. 

Have kids if you want kids. Don't have them if you don't want them, but screw what people think. 


Defeating or not. The reality still stick.
Im not worried about what people think in reguard to having kids. Im worried about what the kid will think, if its a male. Will he go through the same that i have? I dont want to put anyone in that position.
It is a defeat when you cannot change it, or knit it into your advantage.

I look at my little brother, altho' he is only 12 he hates his height and are being bullied in school for it.


But the short girl having short kids is a good one actually never thought of that. Which is also a great comeback for a short girl rejecting you! Thank you for that tool.

Last Edited By multinational (2017-03-08 13:31:40)

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Re: Do you want children?
post #4

Gentlemen:  watch this video  This says it all.

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Re: Do you want children?
post #5

I remember this feeling back 30 years ago.  Here was my line of reasoning: If I have children and they are all girls, my short genes aren't an issue.  If I have a son, it's genetically possible he'll be normal size and it's not an issue.  If I have a son who's as short as I am, and we raise him with everything he needs to handle it well, it's not an issue.  The only perfect storm was me: short and hating it because I came from such a bad family that I ended up really screwed up about this.  So my wife and I had kids:

We have a daughter who is petite and cute-- no problem.  My older son by God's grace is 5'11" - no problem. My other son is a 5'8" tough Marine - no problem.  They all grew up with me as a forceful, witty leader, so they never ever imagined that being short cancelled someone's worth, and since I am so sensitive to the issue, they also learned very well to be sensitive, kind, caring people.

Have kids.

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Re: Do you want children?
post #6

I do want kids someday. If how you thought was a good approach, then blacks, gays and other groups would not have kids. 


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Re: Do you want children?
post #7

Don't care how tall my kids become. I'm short and most of my family is very short. Even if I end up with a tall guy, my kids have a huge shot at being tiny.

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Re: Do you want children?
post #8

Have one on the way smiley

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Re: Do you want children?
post #9

No way in hell, the world really is going down the pan. We are getting more technologically advanced which helps us, but has been destroying us all the while- just look at the soaring depression and suicide rate In developed countries. Everything is getting more expensive, with most youngsters struggling to even afford a place to call home. I'm almost certain we will have ww3 within a lifetime, nuclear this time. Oh, and if the kid was male, he'd be  f'ed because no matter how good you build yourself in all aspects, you will never be respected. This my sound dramatic but believe me, it's coming.