Eddie Murphy just got married again. Foolish or no?

Short Vassal
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Celebrity Gossip
Eddie Murphy just got married again. Foolish or no?
post #1

The guy is 70. Yes, 70, and his new wife is 44 years old. This is the same guy who almost 40 years ago in his stand-up "Raw" criticized Johnny Carson for marrying three times and talked about the horrors of divorce way before social media.

With a divorce under his belt and ten kids, do you think this was a good move? 

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Re: Eddie Murphy just got married again. Foolish or no?
post #2

Complete foolery. The man at least has a prenup. They have a kid together, but I won't be surprised if she's playing the long game. And Murphy is 63, not 70 (thought it doesn't make much of a difference, it's a 19 year age gap).