Ever meet a tall guy who was cocky just because of his height?

Short Cadet
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Height Shaming
Ever meet a tall guy who was cocky just because of his height?
post #1

I always hear people going on and on about this "napoleon complex" thing, but in my own personal life, it's almost always been the opposite. 

Whenever I am the shortest in the room in a social or professional setting, there is always one taller guy who "peacocks" and acts like they're tough stuff. Many times it's them showing off in front of a woman and others its with snarky comments, but the showing off and comments are usually comparative. The showing off could be passing something over my head, placing something in a really high place, or just flat-out disrespect, but to make themselves look good.

No one ever calls them out on it and I'm convinced it is height related. 

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Re: Ever meet a tall guy who was cocky just because of his height?
post #2

People wonder why us shorter guys act like Joe Pesci sometimes. Sometimes you have to throw it right back. Nobody takes harassing short guys seriously. Sometimes you have to take respect. Just because your short doesnt make you not a man.

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Re: Ever meet a tall guy who was cocky just because of his height?
post #3


Originally posted by dmdrwithjeremy People wonder why us shorter guys act like Joe Pesci sometimes. Sometimes you have to throw it right back. Nobody takes harassing short guys seriously. Sometimes you have to take respect. Just because your short doesnt make you not a man.

Indeed! Welcome to the forum dmdrwithjeremy! Joe Pesci was bad ass!

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Re: Ever meet a tall guy who was cocky just because of his height?
post #4

I call this Tall Complex.

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Re: Ever meet a tall guy who was cocky just because of his height?
post #5

All the time, I call it sasquatch complex.  Tallets are the most narcissistic sacks of *bleep* I've ever had the misfortune of encountering

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Re: Ever meet a tall guy who was cocky just because of his height?
post #6

This is so true, when it comes to Napoleon complexes, the majority of suffers are over 6 feet. My theory is they get away with acting like massive bellends because they think their height makes them immune from somebody punching them in their smug faces.