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Recent Posts From jamies632
> elpip_226 wrote: > The shorter they are the pickier they are with the height of their partner. Every short guy notices this yet if you address, people claim that it's all in your head. There are some short women out there that don't mind, but they are very very hard to find.
Wut???? We're not even talking about preferences but requirements. Height for a lot of women is seen as a dealbreaker not just a "preference". Ugliness is subjective anyway. What's ugly to one person might not be to another, but 5'5 is always going to be 5'5.
Ignore Snowflake, note they don't list their height. So I am guessing that the poster is either a 6' plus troll or a short women, who is outraged that anyone is daring to criticism their preferences.
Many, many times sadly. There was my flatmate at Uni, we got on very well and people use to mistake us for a couple but she was 5' 8" and made it clear she wouldn't date someone shorter than her. There was the woman at tennis who was 5' and when I asked her out she bluntly told me she was only attracted to men over 6'.
The most hilarious was a girl at a house party. She comes into the kitchen and then bluntly tells me I'm too short for her. What made it hilarious was the fact she was wearing 3 inch heel and I could still see clean over the top of her head.
I want to make it clear I don't mind loosing to men who have worked for their achievements. If a guy who has put more work in, is more qualified, funnier, takes more risks gets the girl/job/promotion/more respect than me; fair enough. I am not going to be pretend to be a saint and say I don't envy such men but when a man earns something on merit, it is just. To beat them or match them I just have to work harder, take more risks myself.
However they is a category of man who winds me up no-end, I will illustrate with an example. Guy at work who has a rich parents who sent him to an expensive school, he didn't work, so failed his exams. He ended up a a second rate uni and failed there as will. This guy has had every advantage in life and has done nothing with it. He does make up for that with charm, any talents outside work, he is a complete mediocrity. Yet he has a knockout stunning girlfriend. This doesn't make sense till you discover he is 6'2" and that is all that seems to matter.
Another guy ended up with equally stunning women and once again he has done nothing to deserve it. He has a low status job, with no prospects. He is not exceptionally smart or funny, he doesn't even workout. The guy is 30 years old and looks middle aged. It doesn't matter, he is 6' 4" and thanks to that, he can cruise though life on the easy setting.
I find these men so frustrating because I know I am better than them. In every field of life I beat them. I have a better job than them, I went to a better uni, am more qualified and have more talent than they do. I am also in far better shape but none of that matters because they are above the magic 6' mark they beat me without even having to do a thing.
This is so true, when it comes to Napoleon complexes, the majority of suffers are over 6 feet. My theory is they get away with acting like massive bellends because they think their height makes them immune from somebody punching them in their smug faces.