Short women and height pickiness

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short women and height pickiness
post #1

why does it seem like the shorter the woman, the more resistant she is to dating someone who is short too. i'm 5'3. Women who are 4'11 have almost no interest where women who are closer to average seem to be more repective to dating me. why is that? it defies logic...

Last Edited By minilinebacker (2014-06-02 04:13:02)

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #2

I think it's because they recieve so many messages that tell them short = bad. It's a way of trying to erase their own shortness. 

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #3

Media messages, and maybe what they witnessed as children/teenagers in grade school/high school? When you grow up seeing people treated a certain way maybe it sticks with them. Though I think it's part of a larger, broader social problem. Heightism has a lot to do with it. 

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #4

> minilinebacker wrote: >

why does it seem like the shorter the woman, the more resistant she is to dating someone who is short too. i'm 5'6. Women who are 4'11 have almost no interest where women who are closer to average seem to be more repective to dating me. why is that? it defies logic...


Are you 5'6 or 5'3? To me, thats a big difference.

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #5

I was typing fast. I am 5'3. I think it has a lot to do with insecurity. They want to be taken seriously also, so they feel having a bigger man will validate them.

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #6

Yes, I notice this. It's almost that height can allow for lack of facial attractiveness and other physical flaws to be forgiven by a lot of women. If a man is a 6 in the face, he suddenly becomes an 8 if he is 6' or taller. Shorter guys like us have to "make it up" somewhere else. If we are a 10 in the face, we suddenly drop to a 6 or 7 if we are under 5'9. Shorter women I think want to say, "I can get a 'real' man too" so they can be noticed. It's an accomplishment. My 5'1 friend only dates men 6' or taller. When asked why, she said that she wants to feel like she's conquering something. It sounds bizarre, but I think shorter women overcompensate by only going for guys much taller than themselves.


I think it is completely cultural. There is no reason why a 5'6 woman can be completely okay with dating a 5'10 man but a 5'3 woman would not be content with a 5'7 guy. Most of the shortest women I know only date really tall guys and groan with discontent if a short guy shows any interest in them. I don't know how and why I am able to date so many short women though. I must be one of the lucky ones.

Last Edited By ThatFlyShortGuy (2014-06-02 07:02:31)

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #7

Yes, women who are 4'10 and 4'11 won't go near me with a stick even though I am 2-3 inches taller than them.

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #8

The shorter they are the pickier they are with the height of their partner. Every short guy notices this yet if you address, people claim that it's all in your head. There are some short women out there that don't mind, but they are very very hard to find.

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #9

This was annoying back in the days, but it seems more common place now. It has to be the media I've had women much shorter than me tell me that I was too short for them. Last week I had a date with a woman who claimed to be 4'9 and 38 years of age say that she is opening her mind to shorter men now that she is older and that is why she agreed to the date!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #10

How about you all stop being entitled whiney men and accept that people have preferences? How many of you would date an ugly wildebeest? huh?