Short women and height pickiness

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #11

> elpip_226 wrote: > The shorter they are the pickier they are with the height of their partner. Every short guy notices this yet if you address, people claim that it's all in your head. There are some short women out there that don't mind, but they are very very hard to find.


Wut???? We're not even talking about preferences but requirements. Height for a lot of women is seen as a dealbreaker not just a "preference". Ugliness is subjective anyway. What's ugly to one person might not be to another, but 5'5 is always going to be 5'5.

Last Edited By TheGreatest (2014-07-16 19:48:26)

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #12

It still doesn't matter. Whining and complaining isn't going to change anybody's mind and you still did not address ugly. It doesn't matter if ugly is "subjective" or not, you still would not date someone you don't find attractive, so why should women not be able to do the same thing?

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #13

What's up with the personal attacks? This is a short guy forum where people get discuss things relevant to short guys. One of those common experiences is dealing with a lot of short women who not only prefer but date men much taller than they are (e.g. not short) exclusively. We have to deal with the "everyone is allowed to have their preferences" trash on other websites. The problem is that just about everyone has that "preference". It doesn't strike you as odd that women much taller than the 4'11-5'3 stock are okay with dating men a few inches taller than them but shorter women demand men much taller than themselves


There is a mechanism at work there and while we all get that dating is not supposed to be fair, it does cause problems for short guys. So stop bashing. 

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #14

> snoweyflake wrote: > It doesn't matter if ugly is "subjective"


Actually it does though. One woman might find Brad Pitt to be hot while another might think Meh... Both women would agree that a 5'5 man is a 5'5 man and if that 5'5 guy went online looking for a date he might come up with no takers.

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #15

Snoweyflake has a point of course and I'd think most of us agree with it, that both sexes are picky when it comes to certain traits. Since this is a short guy forum though, let the OP vent. Height is found attractive by women almost universally, so it stings shorter guys since they can't do anything about their height. Remember, Heightism is almost impossible to escape since we're taught to believe tall is better from birth.

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #16

can confirm this happens. whenever someone points out my height its usually a tall guy being a **** or a really short girl who wants to take the **** out of me. #LifeSucks

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #17


I am a short woman (4'11") and I hope you don't mind my joining in here.  I am not sure what the age range of this audience is, but I am a 72 year old woman, widowed, very attractive and youthful.  Keep myself in shape.  Financially secure and educated.  I have sought out short men (5'0" to 5'7") and little to no response.  I changed my height to 5'2" on the profile but still, little to no response.  The dating sites send me men mostly 6' to 6''3".  I send written messages and almost never receive a response.  I do searches for the shorter height range and there are very few.  Any suggestions????

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #18


Originally posted by TheGreatest

> elpip_226 wrote: > The shorter they are the pickier they are with the height of their partner. Every short guy notices this yet if you address, people claim that it's all in your head. There are some short women out there that don't mind, but they are very very hard to find.


Wut???? We're not even talking about preferences but requirements. Height for a lot of women is seen as a dealbreaker not just a "preference". Ugliness is subjective anyway. What's ugly to one person might not be to another, but 5'5 is always going to be 5'5.

Ignore Snowflake, note they don't list their height. So I am guessing that the poster is either a 6' plus troll or a short women, who is outraged that anyone is daring to criticism their preferences.

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #19

I have noticed that too. I did date a much shorter woman for a while in college, but other than her, all of my longer-term relationships have been with women who were within an inch of my own height. My wife's height is literally indistinguishable from mine - it comes down to who is wearing thicker socks. 

I always imagined that very short women who are interested in the long term evision being the matriarch of a brood of shrimps - and are not into it. 

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Re: short women and height pickiness
post #20

Hii there