Gay okay, but not short?

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Gay okay, but not short?
post #1

So everyone everywhere is supporting gay and lesbian couples. I am starting to see it in comercials even where there are gay or lesbian couples in ads. So why is something like this being forced under acceptance but a shorter man dating a taller woman is still okay to joke about and look at like it is wrong!? Last time I checked, a penis works the same way in the vagina of a 5'2 woman as it does a 5'10 woman. Gays/Lesbians can't say their equipment works the same in their relationships. I am not trying to offend anyone but I think it is bullshit. 

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Re: Gay okay, but not short?
post #2

Being gay is learned, adpated to, or a choice. I don't care how you look at it. That being said, being short is not. Being fat, having bleach blonde hair, and wearing blue eye contacts is a choice... Being short is not.

CHOICE is being celebrated. Not being true to yourself. 

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Re: Gay okay, but not short?
post #3

There will never be a support group for shoter guys. It is what it is. Gay and Lesbian couples are getting support because people don't want to feel left out OR get picked on/hated for being against them. It is sad but this is how people are now a days. No one has their own oppinion anymore. I for one think it is wrong for gay/lesbian couples to be raising kids. I don't care what people think, studdies have been done and show children suffer from missing a true father or true mother, just as kids with single parents suffer.

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Re: Gay okay, but not short?
post #4

You are preaching to the right man. We have all kinds of gay acceptance crap in LA but nothing for us short men. It is a pain in the ass to deal with this. There will never be someone who leads something like this. 

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Re: Gay okay, but not short?
post #5

You're spot on. Reminds me of this pic I once saw on a tumblr blog. 

Last Edited By joshbaskins (2015-06-23 18:14:25)

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Re: Gay okay, but not short?
post #6


Originally posted by joshbaskins

You're spot on. Reminds me of this pic I once saw on a tumblr blog. 


I have seen this before as well and it is insane. Like mixed couples, gay couples, ect. ect. are A-OK but GOD FORBID a short man is with someone slightly taller. 

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Re: Gay okay, but not short?
post #7

It makes no damn sense. I don't want to offend anyone but being gay isn't natural (not saying it is wrong!) but a short man being with a tall women is veiwed like it isn't natural. BS!

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Re: Gay okay, but not short?
post #8


Originally posted by Catman

It makes no damn sense. I don't want to offend anyone but being gay isn't natural (not saying it is wrong!) but a short man being with a tall women is veiwed like it isn't natural. BS!

It is funny how people work isn't it? They all have to be right, even when they make no sense. 


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Re: Gay okay, but not short?
post #9

This is still pissing me off honestly. I was venting when I posted this and the other post but I can't get over how being gay is viewed as healthy and "natural" but being a short man dating a taller woman is like burning down churches and kicking puppies with the way people react. I once overheard an older woman talking about her daughter saying something like "I love Tommy but she could have done better... He is just too short for her, she should have married a tall man" Uggg pisses me off.