Going on a date

Mr Dixon
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Going on a date
post #1

 It hasn't been long and this wasn't planned but since my ex moved and when we recently spoke, she didn't plan on coming back, I said yes to going out with a friend's girlfriend's friend. She is cute. Brown hair, hazel eyes, about 5'1. She works out but isn't a fitness freak. Nice body, fit but curvy with fat in the right places if you know what I mean.. haha 

Anyways, we are going to keep it casual. We spoke on the phone and will catch a movie and some dinner after. This way we have something to talk about while eating if all else fails. 

The only thing I am worried about is that she is not only friends with her ex, but he is a complete gym rat. The dude is over 6' and has to weight like 210 but all muscle. I don't want to be a let down. We never met but have talked on the phone. She knows I am not tall or buff but still, she hasn't seen me. I am worried. I don't want this worry to ruin the night. Any advice?

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Re: Going on a date
post #2

Comgrats on this! I know it isn't easy going on "blind dates", specially after a break up. I would be worried mysel but I think her first expression will tell you how she feels. If you know it is bugging her, fake sick and end the date OR appraoch it like a friend date and buddy buddy her. 

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Re: Going on a date
post #3

^Comgrats!? LOL 


And yes, this is good. I mean for me, I go in and out of relationships too fast some say but I am at that point in my life where I want to find the one. 

And I wouldn't be too worried. Your friend likely said your build. Some women date all types, my ex was this way. She dated tall, short, thing, fat, buff, ect. She always said she didn't have a set ideal body type on a guy.

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Re: Going on a date
post #4

Don't worry about a gym rat. Most women can't stand them anyways. The ones who do actually enjoy them are gym bunnies. 

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Re: Going on a date
post #5

Hey man, keep us posted. I'm intersted to see how this played out. I'd be pretty nervous myself.


Mr Dixon
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Re: Going on a date
post #6

I went on the date and the girl was a doll. Very down to earth and forward about her oppinion. I ended up asking about her ex and what she would see in me vs him. She said "looks fade and I am not into the perfect body, I want the perfect match to my soul". We haven't had much time to go on another date but we hung out a few times inbetween her busy scedule. We will be going to a fair next week. Should be fun. I am still a bit worried but I have to let it go.