Guy finds out GF has a problem with his height after dating for 2 yrs

Short Vassal
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Guy finds out GF has a problem with his height after dating for 2 yrs
post #1

Guy Finds Out Girlfriend Has A Problem With His Height | Height And Relationships | Short King | Short Kingz

Why wait this long and bother getting in a relationship in the first place if you had an issue with how tall her was? Brutal....

Short Squire
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Re: Guy finds out GF has a problem with his height after dating for 2 yrs
post #2

People like this are the reason why so many people choose not to date. 

It's bad enough she didn't really like him in the first place, but she let that drag out for two years.

To be fair, many of us men are guilty of similar things. My friend once dated a single mother for a year knowing very well he didn't want a ready made family.

My takeaway is that people are selfish and she most likely dated him out of convenience and just wanted long term company.

I'd say shorter men have to particularly be weary of this, especeially if the woman is older. She might have dated men she was attracted to mostly and could not lock them down. Then here you come along being all chilvalrous and doing things that she isn't used to. She string you along until she realizes she's not really attracted to and then boom, you end up with a situation like this.