Guys 5'6-5'7 do you think you have it REALLY bad with women?

Short Baron
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Guys 5'6-5'7 do you think you have it REALLY bad with women?
post #1

I think our height is a disadvantage, but I don't really see it as being the means to living a life of solitude. I get comments on my height from time to time, but I kind of think of our height as being the minimum acceptable height before women and people start classifying us as "untouchable". I hear from time to time men in our height range as complaining that men our height have it the worse. I cannot imagine what it is like being under 5'5 but I see men that height with attractive women from time to time where I live. What are your thoughts?

Short Knight
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Re: Guys 5'6-5'7 do you think you have it REALLY bad with women?
post #2

It's always something with my height. My build makes up for it but the reactions I get from women have always been negative, even with women who liked me. I think guys a few inches taller than me have less of an obstacle. Honestly anyone under 5'9 is going to have more negative than positive.

Short Squire
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Re: Guys 5'6-5'7 do you think you have it REALLY bad with women?
post #3

I used to think I had it pretty bad, but when I watch Boris and his videos I realize that if a 5ft guy could do it, then I can do it.

Short Vassal
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Re: Guys 5'6-5'7 do you think you have it REALLY bad with women?
post #4

Well I personally don't give any important to height as it all depends on yourself. If you feel shame then it's your fault but if you can show to others that height is doesn't matter then you should feel bad.

Short Knight
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Re: Guys 5'6-5'7 do you think you have it REALLY bad with women?
post #5

I like shorter girls (under 5'4) so it is not that big of an issue but I guess a lot of women prefer taller men. My ex told me after we broke up she wished I was taller and I asked why, she said it is a security thing some women have. We broke up because she was going away for school. We still talk from time to time but she is now dating a 5'11 bloke.