Have you ever saw anyone about your heightism?

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Re: Have you ever saw anyone about your heightism?
post #11

I'd rather not disclose my location at this point, but I am white and 5'7. 5'7, 3 inches below "average". Yet I am considered short as well, even though im pretty sure its just under one standard deviation below the mean. Yet now anyone even only slightly above average is considered short, 6' is now considered average, even though im pretty sure its about one standard deviation ABOVE the mean. That means theres more of us than them >:[

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Re: Have you ever saw anyone about your heightism?
post #12

I'm also 5'7. I'm curious to know where you live that so many people are mistreating you for your height. I do get the occasioanl height joke and do not like it (no garmin here), but not to the point that I want to exterminate taller men.

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Re: Have you ever saw anyone about your heightism?
post #13


Originally posted by ointment

I have been to them, they are usually full of *bleep*. They tell you its a problem with yourself, and not how the rest of society views you, well thats complete bullshit as any short man knows. How long will we all take this for?

I agree with this. Anytime I hear how they talk it is more or less a place to vent. You are paying for someone to listen. Yes, it can be helpful, but a friend should be just as qualified for it.

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Re: Have you ever saw anyone about your heightism?
post #14

I never felt it was a problem. So many people view it like an illness and it is just rediculous.