Height-boosting surgery eyed by some 'short kings' (ABC News)

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Leg Lengthening
Height-boosting surgery eyed by some 'short kings' (ABC News)
post #1

I remember when this surgery was tight-lipped and considered ultra-rare due to expense and lack of facilities willing to perform it, but the cat is out of the bag. It seems like every other month there is a special on someone who went through with it.

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Re: Height-boosting surgery eyed by some 'short kings' (ABC News)
post #2

I just couldn't. I like who I am and am comfortable with myself. I won't knock those who go for this though. Billions of dollars are spent on cosmetic procedures of all kinds every year. What people choose to do with their own money for their own confidence and peace of mind is their business as long as they don't hurt anyone else.