Height, dating and being comfortable with yourself.

Short Cadet
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Height, dating and being comfortable with yourself.
post #1

I'm a 21 year about 5'2 to 5'4, almost eveyone I see is either same height as me or taller. I haven't had a girlfriend for about a year in a half but I have had the occasional hook up anyways it's not because I'm ugly but my height most females that I talk to online or that I've met think I'm attractive but once they either see or I tell them my height will continue the conversation until they either leave or have to go do something mostly because they don't want to be rude I would guess but won't speak to me again. I'm generally really confident but when someone brings up height my confident hits rock bottom. anyone have any advice on how to deal with it or become comfortable with your height, and advice with women since high school it seems I lost all my luck with them. I'm new to this forum and needed a place where I think I could be understood.

Mr Dixon
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Re: Height, dating and being comfortable with yourself.
post #2

Welcome dude! I am sure you will feel betetr after being here for a bit.

Short Knight
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Re: Height, dating and being comfortable with yourself.
post #3

I know how that goes bud your not alone here. We all have had days, weeks, years like that. One comment and it ruins everything. Hang in there. I find it does get easier with age.

Short Knight
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Re: Height, dating and being comfortable with yourself.
post #4

You can't let one person knock you down becaue of something stupid they said. Most people who have to make short jokes are the ones who have no self value.

Short Dame
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Re: Height, dating and being comfortable with yourself.
post #5

Welcome Cleo! I am a short gal myself and pretty much every guy I ever liked or dated was under 5'8. There are women who like men closer to their height!