How do you feel about mainstream music?

Short Knight
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How do you feel about mainstream music?
post #1

I read that today's pop music is actually ruining our brains! Things that you hear most on the radion I mean. Pop sounds WAY different then it did just 10 years ago. Now a days, even rap artists used pop music. I don't listen to much music anymore and I am glad I don't now haha

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Re: How do you feel about mainstream music?
post #2

I listen to mostly music I enjoyed 10 years ago. I am not a fan of this newer stuff. Maybe I am picky but it all sounds the same to me.

Dark Willow
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Re: How do you feel about mainstream music?
post #3


Originally posted by GoKnicks

I listen to mostly music I enjoyed 10 years ago. I am not a fan of this newer stuff. Maybe I am picky but it all sounds the same to me.

Not all of it is bad but yes, a lot of it sounds the same and this is cause this cheap popular music is easy to spew all over and get large numbers of fans. It is temp music and usually, people get sick of these songs in 6 months.

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Re: How do you feel about mainstream music?
post #4

Most of it is crap, covered in crap, remixed with crap... CRAP! lol I don't like any of it. Even the rock and alternative has become winey and self centered. It is old and I hate it. I miss the 80's and 90's music. 

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Re: How do you feel about mainstream music?
post #5

I like some stuff but it does all sound the same. I had no idea that pop music can actuall make our brains worse. I have to look into this!