How does one respond to the accusation of having a "Napoleon Complex"?

Short Vassal
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How does one respond to the accusation of having a "Napoleon Complex"?
post #1

Short men are told that we have a chip on our shoulder, that we're angry at the world and always have "something to prove".

I am an ambitious man and it bothers me when others attribute my ambition to my height. If I accomplished something in the workplace, or have a goal or plan, I am labeled as having a "complex".

No one in popular culture calls people out on this. In all seriousness, if any man had a "complex", wouldn't it be because of how he is treated, and not "because" of his height? When it's used towards me, it reeks of "accept the fact that you are inferior guy and keep quiet". 

How can we as modern short men come up with an effective retort that will shame people who use this phrase? I am open to any suggestions. As this is a forum for short men, this would be the place to come up with something remarkable. 

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Re: How does one respond to the accusation of having a "Napoleon Complex"?
post #2

It is 100% what we have been through. And you're not even that short.

There is no quality response to it, maybe what you are saying.

And besides, Napoleon was a great man, many men have tryed to conquer land, it was not uncommon up untill the end of WW2. He did it succesfully.

Napoleon wasnt short for his time as you might now.

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Re: How does one respond to the accusation of having a "Napoleon Complex"?
post #3


Originally posted by multinational

It is 100% what we have been through. And you're not even that short.

There is no quality response to it, maybe what you are saying.

And besides, Napoleon was a great man, many men have tryed to conquer land, it was not uncommon up untill the end of WW2. He did it succesfully.

Napoleon wasnt short for his time as you might now.

I agree with the spirit of your post, but disagree that there is no quality response.

I usually challenge people in a subtle but non threatening way so they can see their own idiocy.

"What do you mean by that"?

"Oh so it's okay to label people based on physical characteristics"?

"Can we do the same about weight and skin color? People use negative stereotypes all of the time, are you okay with that"?

They usually apologize or stay silent.

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Re: How does one respond to the accusation of having a "Napoleon Complex"?
post #4


Originally posted by multinational

It is 100% what we have been through. And you're not even that short.

There is no quality response to it, maybe what you are saying.

And besides, Napoleon was a great man, many men have tryed to conquer land, it was not uncommon up untill the end of WW2. He did it succesfully.

Napoleon wasnt short for his time as you might now.

British units vs French units, but there were those political cartoons.....