How often do you work out and what are your fitness goals?

Short Vassal
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How often do you work out and what are your fitness goals?
post #1

A few questions:
• How often do you work out?

• What are your fitness goals?

• Does your height affect how much muscle you wish to put on if you're working toward increased mass? Do you care about your proportions? 

Short Baron
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Re: How often do you work out and what are your fitness goals?
post #2

I work out 3-4 times a week

My fitness goals are to stay lean with definition. I like having the "defined" look. Some muscle, but having a six pack.

I notice that I look "compact" when I have too much muscle on. I went through a phase where I used to hit the gym solely to put on mass. As I got older though, I wasn't interested in spending hours in the gym. These days, it's 60 min max.