How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow morning being 5'11?

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How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow morning being 5'11?
post #1

How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow morning being 5'11?

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Re: How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow morning being 5'11?
post #2

1. Dating would be a lot easier

2. People would take me a lot more seriously at first meet, or at the very least, it would be netural

3. Since people would take me more seriously, management positions wouldn't have that invisible hurdle that average and taller guys don't experience. 

4. I probably would not be on this site.

Short Vassal
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Re: How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow morning being 5'11?
post #3

people would see me as a man and not a boy. 

i would buy clothes from store in my size.

i would talk to face instead of talking to chest.

i would be more dumb because i wpuld spend more time in public instead of staying in a place and reading books.

i would a better athlet. 

i would be more at risk of cancer instead of diabetes. 

i would never know there is a site like this.

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Re: How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow morning being 5'11?
post #4

With the knowledge i currently have, i dont think much would change. I would still be the same dislikeable person. But as MrNo1 said.
- Dating
- Much needed respect