I Like Being a Short Man

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Re: I Like Being a Short Man
post #11


Originally posted by littlemarcus

I’m a 57 year-old man of 5’5”, and I like being a short man.  I’m more comfortable in airplanes than tall people, I can weave through crowds easily, and I can surprise people by being a polite person.  I’m educated, have a good job, and I got the girl. 

It’s true that being a short man has disadvantages, but so is being black or Hispanic.  A black man who dwells on his disadvantages in life, which are very real, will never get ahead in life.  Successful black men know this.  Likewise, it’s a terrible idea to dwell on the disadvantages of being a short man.  The best revenge is living well, so study short, successful men to learn how to succeed. 

My question to my fellow short men is if they have the other attributes women find appealing in a man.  You can easily find these on the Web.  Do you have confidence?  No one is his/her right mind wants to be with a partner who doesn’t have confidence.  I find a women with confidence to be much more attractive than a woman who lacks it. 

Are you educated in a field that pays well?  If not, get yourself to college.  Remember that people with much less intelligence than you are getting college degrees – seriously.  Look up online to see which jobs pay well.  Avoid majoring in history, philosophy, the arts, or anything else that doesn’t lead to a good job.  A woman wants to be married to a good provider.  If you don’t understand and accept this, height isn’t your problem.

How about the way you dress?  I’ve seen videos of American men trying to get brides in Russia.  No wonder they have to go overseas to find a wife – they don’t know how to dress.  The way you dress reflects on the woman.

My bottom line is that we need to make sure factors other than height aren’t tripping us.

Im 5 5 as well and am 48 and I really appreciate your post. I am a successful professional, was married for 19 years, got divorced and now am serious w a 34 year old beauty. I must admit though that I am still very self conscious about my height and how people view me for being short, both men and woman. Its easy to say "I dont care what other people think. But being aware that there is a general perception toward short men as being negative is hard to ignore and sometimes it makes me feel self conscious and insecure. The idea that we must just accept it and be happy regardless of this perception and the insults that accompany it, encourages the blatant heightism seen in society. Im a confident strong minded man but that doesnt mean I should be ok with insults meant to degrade me. 

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Re: I Like Being a Short Man
post #12


Originally posted by mrpro1


Im 5 5 as well and am 48 and I really appreciate your post. I am a successful professional, was married for 19 years, got divorced and now am serious w a 34 year old beauty. I must admit though that I am still very self conscious about my height and how people view me for being short, both men and woman. Its easy to say "I dont care what other people think. But being aware that there is a general perception toward short men as being negative is hard to ignore and sometimes it makes me feel self conscious and insecure. The idea that we must just accept it and be happy regardless of this perception and the insults that accompany it, encourages the blatant heightism seen in society. Im a confident strong minded man but that doesnt mean I should be ok with insults meant to degrade me. 

If you've achieved this much success in your life, you should feel better than most men. There are plenty of 6 footers who caught knee deep in divorce related debt and can't enjoy life to save their lives. Do you have any kids? And you're dating a 34 yr old at 48? I know a couple of 30+ year old virgins who aren't short lol.

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Re: I Like Being a Short Man
post #13


Originally posted by captainjack987


Originally posted by mrpro1


Im 5 5 as well and am 48 and I really appreciate your post. I am a successful professional, was married for 19 years, got divorced and now am serious w a 34 year old beauty. I must admit though that I am still very self conscious about my height and how people view me for being short, both men and woman. Its easy to say "I dont care what other people think. But being aware that there is a general perception toward short men as being negative is hard to ignore and sometimes it makes me feel self conscious and insecure. The idea that we must just accept it and be happy regardless of this perception and the insults that accompany it, encourages the blatant heightism seen in society. Im a confident strong minded man but that doesnt mean I should be ok with insults meant to degrade me. 

If you've achieved this much success in your life, you should feel better than most men. There are plenty of 6 footers who caught knee deep in divorce related debt and can't enjoy life to save their lives. Do you have any kids? And you're dating a 34 yr old at 48? I know a couple of 30+ year old virgins who aren't short lol.

I get what you are saying and I know life is good. (I live right on the ocean as well lol) but its that I know how people preceive short people and thus preceive me. I guess I have too much pride in myself. I cant take that some people can knock you down just because you are short, that most woman can find you unsuitable for them or that society expects you to accept your place as "not as good" as a tall person. Its the perception and perception is reality. I think Ive been trying to fight it for my whole life and it sucks but accepting it is worse. Its like no matter what I achieve, I will still be a short guy and who wants to be a short guy. 

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Re: I Like Being a Short Man
post #14


Originally posted by littlemarcus

The best revenge is living well, so study short, successful men to learn how to succeed.

Yeah, and being short you are like to live longer, so living well really pays off.

Like the OP, I'm doing quite well myself, though I am in my early 30s.  Good career, highly respected in my field, great group of friends, and an amazing woman to share my life with.  I am also well on track for early retirement.

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Re: I Like Being a Short Man
post #15

I am always glad when a short guy either likes his height, or is at least comfortable with it. Not so for me.  I suppose my friends and colleagues would find that odd-- I determined a long time ago to be very ambitious and live a life worth living-- I have been happily married for 31 years, and have kids and grandkids and they're all happy. I have college degrees and serve as a VP at a college, very active in professional associations, and do public speaking, skits, etc. all the time.  I live around my height, in spite of it, ignoring it as I press on, but never comfortable with it, or glad about it.  

Some friends think that by being shut out of all the big boy games I was forced to develop an incisive wit, charming style, and pursue all the artistic things I do, too.  Perhaps, but I have never been at ease about being short, and by this stage in life, don't imagine I ever will.  My size small-size hat is off to all of you guys who enjoy it, or whom it doesn't bother.  More power to you.  

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Re: I Like Being a Short Man
post #16


Originally posted by bigwhereitcounts

I'm 5'6" without shoes, with shoes I'm about 5'8", my height never bothered me.  I actually prefer to be short, because I see how tall men walk, in such a slow, lumbering plodding way, they look like they're always in pain just by walking.  Also, tall men have really bad back, heart and circulation issues, worse than short men.  At this point in life (I'm 32), I don't care what others think of me or my height, it doesn't bother me anymore./

Where'd you find shoes with 2" heels for men