I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!

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Leg Lengthening
I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #1

I'm willing to answer any questions you have about LL.  No questions involving personally revealing info please.

I have a diary on LLF which has been detailing my journey so far.

I started at a height of 5' 5.75" (167 cm) and am going for 8 cm.  I should be almost 5' 9" at the end of my lengthening.  I'm on day 49 post-OP and already feel much taller.

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #2

Pics please. Why did you even bother at 5'5. At 5'5 you're short, but not like omg short. What motivated you to potentially cripple your body to get taller?

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #3

No pics.. but I'll possibly post them at the end of my journey.


As for your other question, you're right!  I'm about in the 5-10%  percentile of the U.S. and while I wasn't the shortest guy around, I still felt very short.  I'm 22 years old, and attending college as a short guy sucked.  I would go to parties with my tall friends, and while they would get attention every night without fail, I wouldn't and probably was invisible in a bar.

But I didn't do this surgery for my dating life, as I was already happily dating a girl when I decided to do this surgery.  It was more for the respect you can command as a tall guy.  When you're short, you have a lot more trouble being taken seriously by other guys.  In the gym environment, in the women department, and in social situations.

This was also done for my desire to have a better self-image and as a result become more confident.  Being more confident is something I've always wanted and had trouble doing it because I don't love my self-image.  While my legs look skinny and emaciated right now, I've already started perceiving myself in a much better light.


Those were my motivations.  But in regards to being crippled, I'm lengthening with the world's most experienced LL surgeon right now.  Dr. Paley.  While there can still be complications, I'm in great hands and there was never a real fear of being crippled for me.  I've always wanted to be tall and should be about 5' 9" after the surgery.  I'll probably even wear my 3" lifts just to experience 6' for a day smile

Last Edited By BilateralDamage (2014-07-17 13:45:24)

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #4

Congrats on your journey. I have no desire to be taller and am not a fan of people doing leg lengthening, but it takes a lot of courage to do what you're doing and no doubt a lot of people wouldn't have the mental fortitude to undergo that kind of surgery.


I want to know why though would you even consider wearing lifts post op. You suffer from Height Neurosis, and LL is supposed to cure that right? What was the name of that guy who went on national TV to say that he had LL but then went back for a second surgery? I wish you luck but hope that you don't end up like that guy. 


Will you tell women you meet about your surgery?

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #5

Thank you. I would only recommend LL to someone as a last resort, but ask them to carefully rethink their decision. If they were my child or relative, I probably would do everything I could to stop them, or try to keep it from ever getting to the point where they thought it was necessary. I had a rare complication during my surgery called fat embolism, causing me pneumonia and a stay in the hospital for an extra 8 days. It was scary and life-threatening, but I'm just glad that I'm past that period and lengthening safely now.


The only reason I mentioned lifts was as a "just to try", never in a million years would I wear lifts regularly after LL. smile I didn't even wear lifts before LL!


To be honest, before this surgery, I was dead-set on doing a second LL surgery on my tibias after completing my femurs. While my absolute need was to be at least average height, my greedy side wants to experience life as a tall person. But after this surgery, I've almost recanted that decision. The amount of time, money, and physical debilitation this surgery causes isn't worth doing it again just to be tall. I'll be 100% happy average. Right now, I'm a burden on my parents. They don't see it that way of course, but I do, and I wouldn't want them caring for me again like this. I should be out doing a lot of things right now! But instead, I'm mostly in bed all day and hiding this secret from my friends.


If I really trust her, and know her personality to be non-judgmental of this sort of thing, then yes I would tell her. Probably after dating for a few months or years. If she gets so upset that she breaks up with me, then she isn't worth my time and will be doing me a favor. smile

Last Edited By BilateralDamage (2014-07-18 00:54:28)

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #6

> BilateralDamage wrote: >

I had a rare complication during my surgery called fat embolism, causing me pneumonia and a stay in the hospital for an extra 8 days. It was scary and life-threatening, but I'm just glad that I'm past that period and lengthening safely now.


OMG, you're the guy they were talking about in r/short to show that something could go wrong even with the best doctor! You're lucky to even be alive!

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #7

Now that you have the respect that is commanded by being tall how will you approach life?

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #8

@elpip_226 You're right, I'm lucky I didn't have a worse outcome.  While fat embolism is a rare risk, it happened to me and it could happen to anyone with this type of surgery.  Those days in the hospital were the absolute worst days of my life, and I'm so glad to be past them.  But I'm very grateful for the amazing nurses I had, they did everything they could to make me feel better mentally and physically and I'll never forget that.


@OverTheEdge I won't be tall after completing my lengthening, I'll be a little bit under the U.S. average.  But I'm so OK with that!  I'll be approaching life without the insecurity of feeling short amongst my peers.  I'll feel average, which is a beautiful thing after being considered a short guy for so long.  I think the only major thing that will change is the self-perceived image of myself, which will improve my self-confidence.   People may treat me differently to a small degree, but that's only because they're no longer thinking "that's a short guy" when they see me.

Last Edited By BilateralDamage (2014-07-18 13:37:24)

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #9

Welcome to the AtEyeLevel @BilateralDamage and may you encounter nothing but good health on your journey. If you know of any short guys or anyone else who would be interested in a community like this, please encourage them to register. Best wishes.

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Re: I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!
post #10

I'm so glad this site exists.  Before LL, I was looking for any safehaven where people celebrated being short.  /r/short is just people complaining about their height all day as are most forums.  We need to read positive stuff, not negative stuff all day! smile