I see it more in movies

Short Squire
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I see it more in movies
post #1

I never paid attention but short men with equal to taller height women are in a lot of movies. Most of them are comedy themed or they are action type films. My friend said they need men and women actors to be closer to the same height in action films to save money. This is why movies like Mission Impossible have actors all around 5'7 to 5'10 and the Transporter is the same way. Never thought of it like that.

Mr Dixon
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Re: I see it more in movies
post #2

I heard that years ago and this is the same reason, or rather similar reason why all models have to be taller and thinner... They are easy to dress when they have no shape so everything looks good on them. 

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Re: I see it more in movies
post #3

I guess you learn something new everyday! I never knew this but I am not big into movies. Thanks for sharing though, I will have to check heights next time I watch a movie.


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Re: I see it more in movies
post #4

A friend of mine who did stunt work said this too. He said that a lot of times, the actors in the movies are really short or the actresses are really tall. They do mix it up but most movies it is like a standard. 

Short Knight
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Re: I see it more in movies
post #5

This is true for shows too. You have to look at the cast. Not all shows, mostly action ones.