If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?

Short Vassal
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If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?
post #1

I would be more motivated to get in shape. Not 6 pack but very good shape.

Go to the beach and have a sense of smugness and be happy most of the time.

Sense of pride.

how would u enjoy ur 6'1"-6'4" height to the fullest before u die?

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Re: If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?
post #2

Groove311. Please kindly update your profile by uploading a pic!

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Re: If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?
post #3

Are you suggesting that your height of 5'6 discourages you from working out and getting in shape? At your height, it would be easier to shed off pounds and pack on lots of muscle, much faster than a 6'1 guy. I am happy being 5'7, but if I were 6'1, I'd only use it to my advantage when it comes to persuasion and of course women (my dating pool would be larger by default). But honestly, I do just fine at 5'7. 


Short Vassal
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Re: If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?
post #4

There are many other things in life enjoyable than dating/ girls to put so much time and effort into one thing. Look for those. I wouldn't try becoming apro wrestler to increase my confidence for girls.

If I can't attract lots of girls it's not the end. Dating is not for me then. I look forward enjoying other things in life.

U get tired of girls and dating. Eventually. Life is too precious and too good to concentrate on one single thing.

But I won't stop u.

Short Vassal
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Re: If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?
post #5

I have no desire to become any taller.

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Re: If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?
post #6

Did you begin working out? I find that at my height, my ripped body still gets lots of attention.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?
post #7

I can't really answer this, being that I am a woman but I can say something on behalf of my boyfriend. He hates going anywhere or doing anything where height is easily noticed. He loves playing basketball but refuses to play in public. He loves to go to carnivals and such but wont anymore because he always feels like people are looking at him funny.