Is being ugly worse than being short for a man?

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Is being ugly worse than being short for a man?
post #1

I'm not referring to having acne or being overweight, rather being completely and unequivicoally hideous in the face. 

I ask this question because I have been on sites whose target demographic are the "facially challenged" and have seen similar sentiments to what I have read on boards that cater to shorter guys (though not so much this one since we seem to have a lot of confident shorter men here). 

Maybe I'm biased because I myself am short so think everything can be "fixed". The men who claim they are "ugly" seem like if they put effort into their appearance (hair, clothes) etc, they'd be just fine. Or maybe those guys would think the same about us!

Is if confirmation bias or do you all think otherwise? 

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Re: Is being ugly worse than being short for a man?
post #2

I would say it's a wash.


I know women who would date an ugly man if  he were tall. 


I also know women who would date a shorter man if  he were handsome.


You know the saying. "Pick a struggle". Your mileage may vary. 

Last Edited By thepostman (2024-04-08 11:09:15)

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Re: Is being ugly worse than being short for a man?
post #3

I know a lot of men who women have described as "ugly" but have girlfriends. Nine times out of ten, they are tall or very tall, so I'd say that their height cancels out their deficiency of facial attractiveness. 

Likewise, I'd say that most of my short friends who are considered the proverbial ladies man were what most women considered to be extremely handsome. 

In short, you're either one or the other, but can't be both.