Is it normal to hate woman?

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is it normal to hate woman?
post #1

I hate woman, especially if they are dressing like the whores that they are, they are dressing it to attract the guys they are wanting and of course a short guy is off the list (unless they are rich and they are trying to gold-dig them and take their money and get out of the relationship)

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Re: is it normal to hate woman?
post #2

Not cool man. I get the bitter and frustrated piece, but outright hatred is not healthy. They can be crappy just as we can.

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Re: is it normal to hate woman?
post #3

Of course it is normal to hate those women who put short men off the list but seriously what will you earn by hatred? It is useless and I can confirm it because once i was in a worse situation. I don't know how old you are but in my early 20s I would feel disgusted when I heard a voice of a woman. I hate them with the utmost hatred but what did I earn? absolutely nothing. Those women had all the fun they could have with those chosen guys. They actually loved their life as a woman and they got the most out of it. I found myself alone with a heart full of hatred and nothing more. I found that loneliness is my share of being with others. Eventually, I stopped being so obsess by thoughts that were only hurting me. So, I suggest that take it easy and relax.

You know what I hate the nature rules right now. laugh I don't mean genes and things like that. I mean rules like that males must try hard to have a female and this attitude wont be stopped by getting one female. I think there aren't enough women out there for all of us males.  and I hate it when a man must be someone (have a good in a lot of things like having a good job, education, ...) to have a bitch at home. what that women wont understand. 


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Re: is it normal to hate woman?
post #4

Become bitter against, yes. Hate no. Even tall people who date a lot and have bad experience will develop "hate" toward women. When they say "hate", they mean bitterness.


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Re: is it normal to hate woman?
post #5

I think it is pretty normal to hate women, especially as a short guy really doing an effort in the datinglife. 

I once had hatred towards women in many years and it cumpled my world, i wish i could change it. It is not healthy. It stressed me so much out, that i would get grey hair literally.

I've spend so much energy on hating women that i do not have any left. And i just dont care anymore really.
It have had expensive consequenses, i now hold grudge and dating a woman longterm is very very hard for me.

Try not to hate - I do not wish the way i have felt to my worst enemy

But remember not to punish those who actually doesnt care about height.

Last Edited By multinational (2017-08-06 17:41:39)