Kevin Hart on "height"

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Kevin Hart on "height"
post #1

"I don't believe in doing things to manufacture my body to appeal to what I think people might like," Hart says in the above video. "This is it. This is what I was given. This is my playing cards. If we were playing poker, I've got to make this hand work. This is it for me. And this is what I'm going to ride out. So how do you not embrace it? You get one life. One. You get one life. I'm going to embrace mine."

It is a bit old but I love how he is just true to himself.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Kevin Hart on "height"
post #2

I never cared for him as a comedian but I do love what he says in this video. He had my respect. 


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Re: Kevin Hart on "height"
post #3

This is from 2014 I think. I remember my friend having me watch it. I like the dude. Me and some friend's saw him live and his confidence is out of this world.