Limb Lengthening Surgery

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Height Growth
Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #1

Has anyone ever gotten limb lengthening surgery to grow taller or thought about doing it? If so, how did you get this done/afford the surgery, or do you know of any support group that may be able to help finance this?
Also, does anyone have any ideas on how to explain getting this surgery done to those close to you who have known you for years (friends, family, peers), so that they do not judge you negatively because of getting limb lengthening surgery? I am thinking it may be possible to help get some people who are close to me to help me finance this surgery if I explain this to them, though I am worried if they are unable to help me afford this surgery, that I will not have only explained to them that I wish to get this surgery to become taller, but that I won't even have the benefits of the surgery being completed.

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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #2


Originally posted by bbtopp

Has anyone ever gotten limb lengthening surgery to grow taller or thought about doing it? If so, how did you get this done/afford the surgery, or do you know of any support group that may be able to help finance this?
Also, does anyone have any ideas on how to explain getting this surgery done to those close to you who have known you for years (friends, family, peers), so that they do not judge you negatively because of getting limb lengthening surgery? I am thinking it may be possible to help get some people who are close to me to help me finance this surgery if I explain this to them, though I am worried if they are unable to help me afford this surgery, that I will not have only explained to them that I wish to get this surgery to become taller, but that I won't even have the benefits of the surgery being completed.

There is still a major taboo surrounding Limb Lengthening surgery. Most who are not short would not understand why a man would put himself through the agony for "just a couple of inches". They don't understand (or don't care) about heightism, or don't think it's a big deal and would drag you through the streets when it comes to criticism. You will become "that guy".

It wouldn't make sense for you to share that with anyone outside of maybe family and on forums like this. If you are over 23 and your change in height from LL is significant, of course others will notice.

I read on an LL forum that a guy told everyone he was in a skiing accident and had to have leg lengthening surgery to "save the bone". There was one article in Details magazine from almost 10 yrs ago where the guy said he disappeared for 6 months and left his company. You're going to have to be creative if you really want to do this.

As for financing, save, save, save. Work overtime, find another job, or freelance. Whatever it takes.

I am not encouraging you to do LL. I don't think one should change themselves because of society, but you're going to do it if you really want to do it. Just make sure you do your research. 

Welcome to the forum btw.

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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #3

Thanks linebacker, some excuses for having grown are good to those who notice the difference, like the one you gave. However, my main concern lies in how to explain this to someone close to me in order to finance this surgery. I understand saving for the surgery is an option, but my point is that I may be able to get enough money for this immediately if I ask someone I know for the money...I am not sure, but it is a possibility. The fact that I may have to pay back over time or not, or whatever, is irrelevant to me, since I would need to pay anyway. I can find a way to make it work, but it would be nice to get the money for this now. The issue, I feel, is how to explain this surgery in order to get the money required.

What seems like a good way to explain this to someone close to me, and how should I do this on the chance that this person says they will not help me pay for this? What is a good way to approach this issue without seeming like I am insecure about my height/my life, etc.? After all, I really am not insecure... the main reason I want this is that my height, as you know, affects actual outcomes in the real world because OTHER PEOPLE are insecure about our short heights (they are heightist). Getting this surgery will make a real difference.

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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #4

There are some people in this forum that have done it.

Just putting it out there... If you get this surgery, you are still going to be short.

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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #5

Okay so let's say I have already decided that this is something that I would like to do... given that I will be getting the surgery, how should I approach the situation of talking to the person who may be able to help me pay for it?


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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #6


Originally posted by bbtopp

Okay so let's say I have already decided that this is something that I would like to do... given that I will be getting the surgery, how should I approach the situation of talking to the person who may be able to help me pay for it?


I think you need to be really careful and ask yourself, "If the person says no to financing, will he be confidential with my disclosure"? Really think hard about those who you approach.

I'm not sure how I would approach. I'd probably just be straightforward, honest and cite real life examples, anecdotes and statistics to drive the point home. Let them know you've done your research on how you'd prep for it, deal with it and how you would recover afterwards. Like any business venture, you have to show that you know your stuff, possible compromises and all outcomes.

I would strongly urge against LL, especially since you claim to not be insecure and have identified that society (not you) has the problem. If you're not insecure and you're comfortable with yourself, why put up with the breaking your legs and the possibility of being crippled?

Please just learn as much as you can and prepare yourself for any complications if you do decide to go through with this.

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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #7

Thanks ThatFlyShortGuy, very helpful... I understand that LL could be complicated, but I also know the negative risks are unlikely and if any arise, can almost always be easily treated. The question about personal insecurity versus society may be irrelevant, unfortunately, unless you know of a way of dealing with the issue. If I was confident about my Italian-speaking abilities, but I was living in Brazil, I would still need to learn Portuguese. While theoretically I could confine myself to a place such as Little Italy within some city, or try to convince everyone else in Brazil to speak Italian, unless my attempts are successful, my dilemma still remains. Plus, that's a lot of hypothetical work when I could otherwise just be living my life normally without that societal-imposed handicap.

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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #8


Originally posted by bbtopp

Thanks ThatFlyShortGuy, very helpful... I understand that LL could be complicated, but I also know the negative risks are unlikely and if any arise, can almost always be easily treated. The question about personal insecurity versus society may be irrelevant, unfortunately, unless you know of a way of dealing with the issue. If I was confident about my Italian-speaking abilities, but I was living in Brazil, I would still need to learn Portuguese. While theoretically I could confine myself to a place such as Little Italy within some city, or try to convince everyone else in Brazil to speak Italian, unless my attempts are successful, my dilemma still remains. Plus, that's a lot of hypothetical work when I could otherwise just be living my life normally without that societal-imposed handicap.

Great analogy. Can't be mad at you for the reasoning behind your choice. Just be careful and be kind and keep us updated with your progress since you asked for advice and all. You'll find that some people here are totally against LL, but others will be supportive of a fellow short man no matter what. Blessings to you.

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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #9

Thanks and for all comments so far. I agree with you too, in that to an extent, I am against limb lengthening in a perfect world. Ultimately, if we would be able to, as a community of short men, turn the tables of society so that people automatically assumed positive things about us rather than giving the BOTD constantly to taller men, that would be great. Even when we overcome the short bias on a one-on-one basis with someone else, we must again start from scratch when we meet someone else. Sometimes, even once someone "discovers" that we are not stupid, but actually a normal person (or even intellectually superior), they will seem to "forget" this understanding if we, for example, walk to the next room over where there is a crowd of people. Any way we can do this (start being the ones constantly given the BOTD)? I often see shorter men who clearly know the dilemma further contributing to the problem by giving extra attention to taller people, when we should be coming together as a community and supporting each other. It is the only way we can become stronger in the eyes of society. If we turn against each other for the very same reasons we experience discrimination ourselves, how can we overcome the stigma of society?

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Re: Limb Lengthening Surgery
post #10


Originally posted by bbtopp 

assumed positive things about us rather than giving the BOTD constantly to taller men

Breath of the dying?