My co-workers boyfriend

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My co-workers boyfriend
post #1

I honetly feel bad for this dude. This woman I work with, I am not friends with her but we talk, well she is always making short jokes about her boyfriend. Up until yesterday, I didn't even know what he looked like or anything. He brought her some lunch and was such a sweet heart. Very good looking man, well built, and even had good style. Well to his face, she is like this "baby needs this" type of woman. He spoils her. The second he left she make a height joke about him not going to her favorite restaraunt cause he can barely reach the front desk. Like wow. He is 5'5 and she is 5'7. Why be with someone if you are going to do this?


How does he not even know this happens!? I really wanted to say something but I know it is none of my business. 

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Re: My co-workers boyfriend
post #2

Damn that is harsh. I wish I could tell the dude, I would. I know you want to mind your own buisness but maybe you should have someone outside of work approach her. Someone she doesn't know. I feel bad for that dude. What a bitch.

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Re: My co-workers boyfriend
post #3


Originally posted by ShortNProud

Damn that is harsh. I wish I could tell the dude, I would. I know you want to mind your own buisness but maybe you should have someone outside of work approach her. Someone she doesn't know. I feel bad for that dude. What a bitch.

I know this is a shot in the dark, but some men do like abuse. Just like women do. It may be part of foreplay for them. Just putting that out there. 

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Re: My co-workers boyfriend
post #4

Minding your own buisness is for the best but I get why this upsets you. It would upset me too but I don't think I would keep my mouth shut. 



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Re: My co-workers boyfriend
post #5


Originally posted by Catman


Originally posted by ShortNProud

Damn that is harsh. I wish I could tell the dude, I would. I know you want to mind your own buisness but maybe you should have someone outside of work approach her. Someone she doesn't know. I feel bad for that dude. What a bitch.

I know this is a shot in the dark, but some men do like abuse. Just like women do. It may be part of foreplay for them. Just putting that out there. 

I was going to say the same thing. A friend of mine had this mean girlfriend. She always called him a dumb *bleep*, and a prick, and called him a wimp... Well, they got married last year and have a kid on the way. Go figure!

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Re: My co-workers boyfriend
post #6


Originally posted by Jinx


Originally posted by Catman


Originally posted by ShortNProud

Damn that is harsh. I wish I could tell the dude, I would. I know you want to mind your own buisness but maybe you should have someone outside of work approach her. Someone she doesn't know. I feel bad for that dude. What a bitch.

I know this is a shot in the dark, but some men do like abuse. Just like women do. It may be part of foreplay for them. Just putting that out there. 

I was going to say the same thing. A friend of mine had this mean girlfriend. She always called him a dumb *bleep*, and a prick, and called him a wimp... Well, they got married last year and have a kid on the way. Go figure!

It happens all the time. A friend I had in highschool had a girlfriend the same way, they dated for a long time broke up 2 times, and ended up married. Last I heard of them they had a kid on the way. She would be so mean to him but he was the same way to her.