Plaid looks bad!

Mr Dixon
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Plaid looks bad!
post #1

I noticed today that I had a few plaid shirts from a few years ago I hardly wore. I put one on and not only did I look shorter but I looked a good 20 pounds heavier! Anyone else notice this with plaid shirts?

Dark Willow
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Re: Plaid looks bad!
post #2

I think plaid shirts were made for skinny men and tall men, I mean some fat tall men look decent in them but I personally feel like a cow when I wear plain. A cow that is 2 feet too short haha

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Re: Plaid looks bad!
post #3


Originally posted by Dark Willow

I think plaid shirts were made for skinny men and tall men, I mean some fat tall men look decent in them but I personally feel like a cow when I wear plain. A cow that is 2 feet too short haha

 I think it depends on the style. I have a plaid shirt that is faded and has a tight fit to it and I always get compliments on it.

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Re: Plaid looks bad!
post #4

I am inbetween on this one. Some plaid shirts look great on any height but I can see why the standard ones make one look wider and shorter. 

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Re: Plaid looks bad!
post #5


Originally posted by ShortNProud

I am inbetween on this one. Some plaid shirts look great on any height but I can see why the standard ones make one look wider and shorter. 

I have never tried on a plaid shirt and thought I looked good, nor even decent. Maybe it depends on the build as well.  

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Re: Plaid looks bad!
post #6


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

I noticed today that I had a few plaid shirts from a few years ago I hardly wore. I put one on and not only did I look shorter but I looked a good 20 pounds heavier! Anyone else notice this with plaid shirts?

The right plaid shirt wont make you look short or fat. They are hard to find but they do exist.  

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Re: Plaid looks bad!
post #7

I don't mind plaid myself but it has to be in T shirt form or hoodie form. Not button ups or dress shirts.

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Re: Plaid looks bad!
post #8

You gotta be kidding me. This is the worst thread on this site. Who cares about plaid looking bad or good. If you like plaid, you like plaid!

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Re: Plaid looks bad!
post #9

Plaid reminds me of farmers and hillibillies. I don't know why but it does. LOL