"Poor Me"

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"Poor Me"
post #1

I think it is pathetic when I see men having pity parties or crying online. They try to make a point and just don't make any sense. Part of the reason shorter men have it harder with women is because CONFIDENCE TURNS WOMEN ON! Why do you think women stay in bad relationships with cocky jerks? They are confident! There is no science to this people. Short or not, you need to man up, accept your flaws, and take a long damn look in the mirror. Looks don't get and keep women, confidence does. 

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Re: "Poor Me"
post #2


Originally posted by jackman

I think it is pathetic when I see men having pity parties or crying online. They try to make a point and just don't make any sense. Part of the reason shorter men have it harder with women is because CONFIDENCE TURNS WOMEN ON! Why do you think women stay in bad relationships with cocky jerks? They are confident! There is no science to this people. Short or not, you need to man up, accept your flaws, and take a long damn look in the mirror. Looks don't get and keep women, confidence does. 

I completely agree and the same can be said the other way around. I would never want to be with a woman who always puts herself down. What a turn off!

Jelly Kelly
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Re: "Poor Me"
post #3

I know that confidence is a big thing for me. Lack of it in a man frustrates me. It won't make him not attractive but it does get old.



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Re: "Poor Me"
post #4

I feel like this is not enough though for some women. I have met women who have divorced their husbands over him getting a different job and earning less. Or ones who have broke up over a style preference. 

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Re: "Poor Me"
post #5


Originally posted by ShortNProud

I feel like this is not enough though for some women. I have met women who have divorced their husbands over him getting a different job and earning less. Or ones who have broke up over a style preference. 

Seriously!? Over fashion!? Now that is a shocker. I have heard a lot of things but never something like this!... I am clearly being sarcastic lol Women do petty crap all the time like this.