Remember, 95/5, even if they have to pay for it. (video inside)

Short Knight
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Remember, 95/5, even if they have to pay for it. (video inside)
post #1

This couple went viral many times because of their relationship. 

Synopsis, she is a single mom and a guy "accepted her and package deal". They ended up having two more kids together.

They have a lot of followers in my opinion because a tall white muscular man accepted a black single mother. Gave a lot of people "hope".

Well, come to find out she has been funding their lifestyle😂 the entire time and he is underemployed.

That video is her letting her know who pays the bills. 🤡

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Re: Remember, 95/5, even if they have to pay for it. (video inside)
post #2


Maybe she can get advice on "Lipstick Alley"

Truck that wish. LOL.

Short Vassal
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Re: Remember, 95/5, even if they have to pay for it. (video inside)
post #3

I've told people this before, tall men are definitely at the top of the food chain when it comes to dating. Not only are they being shared, but those who are low in SMV will do anything to have a piece, whether it is getting knocked up and left, being a side-piece or "paying" like you said.

I knew someone like this when I was younger. She took in this bum off the street who was hustling and scamming, but he was 6'3. She buy him clothes, sneakers, give him money and he still cheated on her. Around that time, there was this 5'7 guy who liked her who she completely ignored.

Not saying she should've dated the short guy, but it shows how thirsty some are for tall men and men of the majority. This is almost an identical situation and it's all playing out on social media. 

That guy might be tall and muscular and everything, but he's a super-simp for sure. Don't think for a second that there aren't a lot of taller men out there who are desperate for attention and companionship. They are definitely out there and will date down. Way down like the guy in the video. 

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Re: Remember, 95/5, even if they have to pay for it. (video inside)
post #4

I wouldn't trade my short height to have that kind of life any day of the week!

You can tell he was mad, mad and had no choice but to keep his composure.... as he should.

But he made him look super tiny with all of that venom.

To think this guy could've had anybody, or just stayed single.

In their "how we met vlog", she talks about the women he used to date......

.... And he chose HER! 😂😂😂😂😂

Cheers to the guy. Hope he enjoys every minute of that existence. 

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Re: Remember, 95/5, even if they have to pay for it. (video inside)
post #5

Kween Of Kings Bragging About Her Husband's Height | Height And Dating | Marriage | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Here she is bragging about her husband's height (one of many times).

Lol. Now she's trying to do damage control posting photos of her husband's name on the mortgage statements.

So pathetic! Who'd want to be with someone who had horrible grammar and was this thirsty! 

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Re: Remember, 95/5, even if they have to pay for it. (video inside)
post #6


Originally posted by ShortChanged

Here she is bragging about her husband's height (one of many times).

Lol. Now she's trying to do damage control posting photos of her husband's name on the mortgage statements.

So pathetic! Who'd want to be with someone who had horrible grammar and was this thirsty! 

Yep. You can get whatever you want....... if you have the $ to spend lol.

She got her money's worth it seems lol.

Short Knight
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Re: Remember, 95/5, even if they have to pay for it. (video inside)
post #7


Originally posted by ChuckChill


Maybe she can get advice on "Lipstick Alley"

Truck that wish. LOL.

I gotta use that one 😂